in The Commons
Hi guys.
I need help with this.
Meet my Filatoon character, Zack.
I took his shirt off so you can see my issue.
Now, I'm trying to render him with Filament (Viewport engine), but I can not manage te muscle outline effect on his body.
Any ideas on how I can render body texture lines in Filament?
Thanks in advance.

1280 x 720 - 413K

894 x 894 - 78K
You might want to ask in this thread:
Like Silent Winter said, look at the thread, but off hand you I think/guess you may need to make a Geoshell, copy the surface materials to it, then manually edit ALL the skin surfaces (regions I think they are called - you're basically going to pretend you are editing to make like like a mech android), dividing them out into subsurfaces with each subsuface set corresponding to the subsurface bounded by the set of dark lines. eg, you'd have two subsufaces for the pecs, two for the nipples, 6 for the abs, and so on.
To get that look you'll probably need to go in and paint those hand-drawn-looking details into the character's texture maps.