January 2025 - Daz 3D New User Challenge - Composition, Instancing, & Duplication

New User's Challenge - January 2025
Sponsored by DAZ 3D
Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest render challenge!
Back by popular demand (or well because we think it went well LOL), we are breaking down each month into 2 different challenges:
A Beginner Challenge and then also an Intermediate Challenge.
So which "Challenge" should you choose?
Follow the Beginner Challenge if you are:
- New to the New User Challenges
- New to Daz Studio
- Newer to 3D Rendering in General
- Or if you have not participated in the January Composition Challenge
Follow the Intermediate Challenge if you have:
- Participated in the New User Challenge for awhile
- Know the basics of Daz Studio and would like to learn more in depth topics
- Been using 3D Rendering Applications for awhile and feel comfortable with learning Intermediate Topics
- Or if you have all ready been spotlighted in the January Composition Challenge
*Please be sure to list in your post which Challenge you are participating in
Beginner Challenge:
This is a general render challenge with the focus on how you compose your image. We are providing you with lots of great links on Composition from a variety of sources. Composition is key to pulling a viewer into your image and leading their eye to where you want them to see things. It is a fundamental skill that we, as artists, not only need to learn, but will continue to hone over the years. Read about and look at the examples, in these articles, for how composition works and how artists, from the Masters to people like you and me, put these compositional guidelines to use to make our pieces more appealing and invite the viewer to look around your image as you intended.
For those completely New to Daz Studio, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND checking out the new MASTERCLASS!
General Composition Rules:
The Golden Ratio:
Some Tools for DS and Bryce:
Golden Rules Camera Prop v1.5 by Jaderail
Golden Rules Composition Helpers for Bryce by David Brinnen and Horo
Artists, filmmakers and photographers share similar traits in how we present our work, so you will find that a study of the art of photography will help, which is why you see various links to photographic articles included.
Photography Composition:
Color can be used as a compositional element, especially when you have color contrast. Here are some fundamentals on color:
Color Fundamentals:
Other Types of Contrast:
Examples of Composition:
Examples from Netflix's The Queens Gambit (The Director of this series did an EXCEPTIONAL job applying the Rules of Composition):
Composition of The Queen's Gambit (You may need a Facebook Account for this link which directs to a post - be sure to scroll through the pictures as there are TONS of excellent examples)
This is a bit of a long read but offers excellent examples of different kinds of composition and camera angles.
The Cinematography of "The Incredibles"
I will be checking in as will the rest of the Community Volunteers to try and help with anything you all may need.
For a list of the current challenge rules, please see this thread : Challenge Rules
Closing Date: January 31st 2025
Intermediate Challenge:
"Instancing and Creating Duplicates"
This is a general render challenge with the focus on using Instancing and Duplication within a scene. We are providing you with some links on the topics from a variety of sources. Utilizinging Instancing and Duplication well is key to creating intricate scenes while saving on file sizes and processing power. It is a fundamental skill for those wishing to do large battle scenes, those wishing to create their own worlds, or those wishing to create an environment that seems full and complex.
*If participating in this Challenge, please be sure to list what item(s) within your scene you have instanced or duplicated*
General Instancing and Duplicate Creation Information:
Node Instances
1. Click on the item in the scene you wish to Instance
2. Go to Create - New Node Instance (Good for Singular Instances)
1. Click on the item in the scene you wish to Instance
2. Go to Create - New Node Instances (Good for adding Multiple Instances at once)
Doesn't use as many computer resources as loading in the items again (So it won't show as more Geometry Loaded in if you look at the Scene Info Tab)
Great for filling in a scene with items that are going to look identical while keeping the computer strain down.
Can Populate a scene fairly quickly
All the items will share the textures of the original item.
Node Instances are an exact copy of the original, they cannot be morphed or posed separately
Duplicate Nodes
1. Click on the Item in the Scene you with to Duplicate
2. Go to Edit - Duplicate - Duplicate Node(s)
Creates a copy of the Selected Item
You are able to change textures, manipulate, repose etc as if you added in a new copy
Doesn't Save on Computer Resources since it is basically the same as loading in a second exact copy (Rig, Bones, and All)
*Duplicate Node Hierarchies *
(Duplicates the entire node tree below the Selected Node)
Example: If you select Genesis 8 that has clothing and hair attached then it will Duplicate Genesis 8 as well as the attached hair and clothing.
1. Click on the Item in the Scene you wish to Duplicate
2. Go to Edit - Duplicate - Duplicate Node Hierarchies
Creates a copy of the Selected Item and all items attached to it. (Great for creating a copy of a Figure with included clothing, accessories etc)
You are able to change textures, manipulate, repose etc as if you added in a new copy
Doesn't Save on Computer Resources since it is basically the same as loading in a second exact copy (Rig, Bones, and All)
Generally you want to use Duplicates or regular full figures with varying poses etc in the forground of the scene and then use the instances more in the background or as scene filler where it will be less likely to notice they are the same (especially useful when using Depth of Field etc) It can also be used to help cut down computer load when you actually want or need to identical things (props etc) in the scene..such as two chairs in a livingroom, two tanks (or 20 tanks) on a battlefield, multiple candles in a scene that are all the same color, books placed on shelves, potion bottles that can be moved to various places across the scene, or things like trees and grass.
Examples of Using Instances and/or Duplication within Daz Studio:

Instances used for the Spectres that are Attacking Ater Eterwood
(Special Thanks to Totte - Code 66 for the Example)
Instances used for the Crates and Barrels. Barrels were rotated to avoid the repeated look.

(Special Thanks to Totte - Code 66 for the Example)
Instances used to add more Patrons to the tavern

(Special Thanks to Totte - Code 66 for the Example)
Handy Products to Use while Instancing:
Traffic Patterns Script and Prop Collection
Have a Seat
Stack'Em Up
UltraScatter Advanced Instancing for Daz Studio
UltraScatter Pro
Instances Plus+ for Daz Studi
I will be checking in as will the rest of the Community Volunteers to try and help with anything you all may need.
For a list of the current challenge rules, please see this thread : Challenge Rules
Closing Date: January 31st 2025
Hello, I started to consider the option of building for example a stone wall using several models, several stone blocks to make it easier square or rectangular, and doing it using ultrascatter pro, to put the stones together, rotate some on the different six faces, and make size variations the different blocks. With ultrascatter pro you can instantiate multiple models at once, could you set the parameters to make a wall?
Perhaps using matrix scatter if you added in a grid? I am not 100% sure. I have the app but I've not used it enough to be certain on that. Seems possible/plausible going by this promo for UltraScatter Pro (are you using Pro?):
Yes, pro, I'll start testing and see if I can do it.
Another doubt, is it possible to change an object that is instantiated ? That is, a different materials geometry and that the instances change to that new object while maintaining the position, rotation and scaling ?
As far as I remember, you couldn't change the textures on an instance. However, you could create a few duplicate nodes and then create instances from all of them. This would allow some tweaking at a lighter load than having lots of copies.
Yes, or replace one of two instances with different copies of the base mesh (or, if the item is high polygon, it may be worth using a Geometry Shell which acts like an instance as far the geometry goes but has its own materials).
What I meant is, for example, having a table and several instances of that table, in a scene for example a cafeteria. My question is if you can change that table, for a different table of both geometry and materials, and the instances would be updated to that new object in the position they were in.
Load the other item, select the Instances, in the Parameters pane under Instancing click the button with the name of the current node under Instance Target, select the item you wish to use instead. If they are different in shape, size, or placement they may not fit ideally but in principle that does the job.
Got around to geting a start for this month.
Thank you Richard for answering those questions
Thank you as well for helping Alias52
I really like the color choices for the lighting. The Green/Red Complimentary Colors work really well to make the parts of the ship stand out from each other (especially in the darker lit environment part of the image)
Thanks it can help me, but in some cases as in ultrascenary2 it requires more configuration does not load the new item to the instances, in the parameters of the item with instances there is a section, ultrascenary as general or display, with some variables that ultrascenary2 I suppose needs to manage the instances. I don't know how to create a parameter as general or display for the item and see if the instances are changed by the new item, or I have to save the new item in a specific location, I put it in the same folder, but at the moment it doesn't work.
Are you selecting ana ctual instance node, not a group contianing instances? It has nothing to do with where files are stored - the item you wish to use needs to be loaded into the scene in order for it to be selectable
For example, this is the object I want to change, USC2 River Stone 01 (2). In parameters of this selected object there is a section, Ultrascenary, which must be used by the ultrascenary2 plugin to perform some functions.
These are the instances of that object, which I try to change to the object shown in the select an item list, EMRC_RockB5k.
When you do this, the target instance is EMRC_RockB5k but the instances do not change to that object, and when you update the scene with ultrascery2 or render, the target instance changes back to the USC2 River Stone 01 (2) object.
I tried deleting USC2 River Stone 01 (2), renaming EMRC_RockB5k to USC2 River Stone 01 (2), putting it in the same Layers Props (3) group, and then the instance group when updating the scene disappears.
It does appear that these are more than mere instances.
I don't understand, an instance is an instance, isn't it? Simply the UltraScenary plugin adds some variables to the item and those instances, which is what I would have to add to the item I want to select.
Likewise, even if I can't change the item of the instances, I could use ultrascatterpro to do so, although I haven't set about it. I found it faster, more straightforward, and easier to modify, to do so by changing the item of the ultrascenary2 instances, and to use ultrascatter to place more detailed models that were closer to the focus of the camera or other elements and generate the maps to place the instances of the elements when I have the scene more defined.
I've seen Alienator Pro II, which can do element substitution in UltraScenery 2, could make modifications more easily.
maybe this little tool will bring you faster to a wall than ultrascatter itself:
Maybe, thanks
Here's my entry for the intermediate challenge, created using Daz 3D with post work in Photoshop:
How to Build a Robot Posse
Been think of what was missing on the left side of my scene, and what I came up with was an enemy guard coming at them with his cyber blades starting to extend as he prepares to mealay with the defender who is trying to hold them back.
This challenge is now closed. Thank you all for your participation!
This is a render of mine
Thank you to everyone who posted and participated in the Challenge. You all got a little gifty
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much everyone