'Inactive" ShareCG account
Just curious, has anybody else within the last month or so discovered their ShareCG account to be "inactive" and their offered assets seemingly gone?
I do know of one other individual (whom I won't name) who uploaded an item that apparently "offended" somebody who then lodged a complaint. But I have not uploaded any freebie in ages and certainly nothing of mine was of an "adult" nature. I could not find a "contact us" type link on my own, but a friend provided me with this...
I used it several weeks ago, but so far I have not received any reply. I'm just curious if anyone here may have experienced something similar which might suggest ShareCG suffered a "burp" with its servers and in the process of correcting the issue, lost some accounts.
I remember reading a thread about this a while back - I think it was this one: daz3d.com/forums/discussion/711931/my-sharecg-account-is-suddenly-inactive
Sounds like either Yahoo email accounts or false-positives in junk mail could be the issue?
Can't be a Yahoo issue as I don't use the service. My e-mail is with a city owned ISP I've had since 1997. Uh, "false positives" in junk mail? Not sure what you mean. ShareCG's "junk mail" folders? I have never e-mailed them since the creation of my account ...and the two times I've tried to alert them to this current issue.
I see you have posted in the other thread now, but just to clear this little bit up: it probably wasn't the best terminology but I was just referring to actual valid emails that you would not consider spam being sent to your email junk/spam folder which was one of the reasons why some people whad been saying that they hadn't seen any response at first.
Thanks to an e-mail link WandaW provided, I successully contacted ShareCG, they responded and reactivated my account. I can now log into the site and my offerings have reappeared.