Closets, drawers and vanity mirror

I made a closet set with drawers and a vanity mirror in Sketchup, imported into Daz as FBX. I replaced bulbs around the mirror with a single LED strip to be a little more modern (modify the emissive on the mirror object to change the lighting). The individual drawers can be "opened" by selecting a drawer and changing the Z coordinate. The cupboard doors can be opened and closed by using the rotator nulls for each door (rotating on Y). Drawers are instances, so modifying the parent instance materials will modify all of them. The closets are duplicates, to enable the null rotation for opening them (the simplest of rigging). The materials themselves are basic Daz Uber variations.
Zip is a Scene Subset, so just unzip, copy/paste into library somewhere and merge into a scene. Note, the padded blocks sofas in the scene render are another of my freebies, here.

Thnk you very much. Really very nice! :)
Beautiful! Thank you!
Thanks, looks very useful.
looks good + Thanx