[Pro Pyro VBD NOT WORKING] I have been using DAZ Studio almost since it released. I have never had this issue before and use a lot of emissives. Here's the issue. Added fire and smoke to my fireplace.... looked great. Saved the project. Next Day I loaded the project and no Emissives. I deleted the fire and smoke and re-added it.... worked fine.... saved and reloaded. No emissives, so, I uninstalled Pro Pyro and reinstalled. Now there is no Emissives at all. I unistalled DAZ Studio and Reinstalled and No Emissives. I oppened the Surface editor and there is no Emissive data. There was data before but it's no longer there. I would have been satisfied with putting in the fire and smoke last and doing my project render, but now it doesn't work at all. I may have to take it into Blender where I don't have this issue. Anyone have any suggestions. I'm Running 4.23 Premier on Windows 11, 128GB Ram, I9-12900k 24 Core, RTX 4090 24Gb VRM
Comments ? That is a VDB product, usign volumes rather than surfaces for the effects, and as suuch it doesn't directly use emission. The attached uses one of the fires from this product plus some primitives and works before and after save/restart/reload for me
I get nothing. There is no fire, no light. This is with a reinstal of both Pro Pyro and DAZ Studio 4.23 Premier...... If you look at your emissions data for your objects in your file you sent, you will find that it does have emissions data. When I load your file into my DAZ Studio, there is none. This is the problem I am struggling with and need answers for.
Here is the project that I am currently working on. The data for emissions should be located in volume. It is no longer there. Something is missing.
Have you tried reinstalling a fresh download of Default Resources?
I downloaded Richard's scene. It renders fine for me. The black in the background is because he has Draw Ground on. The transparent part at the top is where the horizon is, I guess. The VDB emission worked as expected.
OK this may be a dumb question, since I've used this program for so many years, but how do I update default resources? I alway run all my updates, but I feel that I may be missing something.
I hope you are using DIM to install your products. Just type Default Resources into the filter box and it should show up.
Reinstalled Default Resources and Nothing....... This is damn wierd. I was certain that would work.
Laser Blades is not working either.
Do you possibly have an older installation (a manual in a folder earlier in the list, or a daz Connect installation - try right-click on the product icon inside daz Studio and see if there is an uninstall option) that might be found before the updated file?
Found the Problem. Reinstalled Default Templates. This all was caused by Install Manager...... Even after I removed all instances of instalations to C, IM must have updated at some point an add default info back in. Had to move new content and DAZ Studio back to my art drive.
Well, the Default Filters just add options to the drop-down when you click the magnifying glass icon next to the text box for filtering, so that seems very odd - assuming you weren't using any of those.