[Released] Luminosity Boundless Wide Area Lighting (Q&A)

Happy New Year! I am creating this thread in case anyone has any questions and to post anything you've created using it!
Luminosity Boundless is a follow-up to Luminosity Ultimate. It uses the updated ghost light functionality, and other Iray Render settings added since the release of Ultimate. Unlike Ultimate, Boundless seeks to address the problem of wide area lighting for interior and exterior scenes rather than the more up-close and personal figure or portrait lighting of other Luminosity sets. It can be used in conjunction with these other sets should you wish to.
Exterior sets are meant for a more ambient illumination of entire scenes and include matching render settings for outdoor scenes. The render settings for exterior scenes include utilities such as dome rotation, environment intensity, matte and ground fog, and sun/sky settings, and are not guaranteed to work well with interior shots (but might!).
As a bonus there is an included Stardome for use in night renders!
Interior lighting is meant to provide more subdued ambient lighting for interior scenes and include "Cluster" light presets to better light dark corners, hallways, and stairwells that are in the background of your render (this can add visual interest).

There is also a 9 page PDF Manual with explanations, tips and tricks to help you with your rendering as well as countless Utilities to make life easier.