Freebie Challenge January 2025 - "Thank you, Saphirewild!" - Main Thread
Many years ago Saphirewild took the then floundering Freebie Challenge and revived it, and she has been leading the team ever since. Saphirewild has now decided to step back from that role, and we all say thank you for her work and commitment all these years! Throw Saphirewild a parade with streamers and a marching band! Hand her a gorgeous bouquet of flowers! Have cheer leaders perform for her! Prepare a sumptuous meal, or bake her a sky-high cake! Break out the fireworks! Shower her with gold, silver, and of course saphires! The January challenge is all about saying thank you from our hearts to Saphirewild!
Going forward I (Hylas) will be taking the lead behind the curtains of the monthly Freebie Challenge. For the participants nothing will change. Happy new year everyone!
The use of image generating AI technology (midjourney, stable diffusion, DAZ AI Studio, etc.) is not allowed. The use of items (freebies or paid) that have been created with such technology is also not allowed. We realise it's not always easy to tell; let's all use our best judgement, and you can always ask the person hosting the contest if you're not sure.
The Rules For This Months Freebie Challenge are:
1. A minimum of (5) Freebies must be included in your image along with Links to the freebies you have used. For an item to be considered free it must be offered as a freebie for the whole month. The exception to this rule is all Daz Bi-Weekly Freebies will be allowed throughout the entire month in which they are free as well as the month following their release as a freebie (For a total of 2 months). Also, if a freebie is broken down into multiple downloads/links/parts (IE like if the freebie is broken down into 3 zips etc...)it only counts as 1 freebie, not 3.
2. There will be a Maximum of 5 purchased items.
3. Base figures (All Gen 2,3,4, and Genesis 1,2,3,8 and 9) as well as their general morphs packs (Morphs++ and similar) do not count as a purchased item or a freebie and may be used as needed
4.Your Rendered Picture must be a new render and postwork is allowed but you MUST include a before and after Postwork versions of your entry in the Entry Thread.
5. All DAZ 3D Programs are allowed (IE Bryce, Carrara, Daz Studio and Hexagon) plus Poser for the contest.
6. All entries are subject to the Daz3D TOS Found Here: Terms Of Service
7. You may enter a Maximum of 4 Entries per month.
8. You may edit your entry as much as you like in the main thread but once it is posted to the "Entries Thread" it may not be further modified. Also, if you edit or add things, be sure you update any links or freebie changes you make.
9. The use of image generating AI technology (midjourney, stable diffusion, etc.) is not allowed. The use of items (freebies or paid) that have been created with such technology is also not allowed. We realise it's not always easy to tell; let's all use our best judgement, and you can always ask the person hosting the contest if you're not sure.
This Freebie Challenge will end January 31th, 2025 @ 23:59 Daz time.
*Please Note: Please allow 7 days from the Announcement of the Winners to receive your prize*
If you have not recived your prize, or have any questions, please contact Hylas in a PM here on the forums.
Post your images and freebie links here for link verification. Once the links are verified, you can post your image and links in Entries Thread for judging.
First Place: $15 store credit from KindredArts
Second Place: $10 store credit from KindredArts
Third Place: $5 store credit from KindredArts
Past Freebie Contests (the links to previous years can still be found in last years challenges):
January 2022 - Around and around and around...
February 2022 - Mysteries of the heart
March 2022- Luck Of The Draw
April 2022 - New Beginnings
May 2022 - Cozy Corner
June/July 2022 - The Secret Life Of...
August 2022- Sniff, sniff... what's that smell?
September 2022-Cars Cars and More Cars
October 2022 - Horror Movies
November 2022 - Thieves, Robbers, and Fraudsters all around!
December 2022 - The Night is Darkest...
January 2023 Speed Demons and Slowpokes
February 2023- I See Red
March / April 2023 Magical
May 2023 - Sweet Music
June/July 2023 Holes, Gaps, Caves, Tunnels
August 2023 Fabulous Pink
September 2023 Gardening
October 2023 Hallowed Night
November 2023 Wobble, jiggle, sway, and shake
December 2023 / January 2024 Driving Home For...
February 2024 The Glow Up
March 2024 Power Source
April/Mai 2024 Soft as Plush, Smooth as Silk
June 2024 An Octopus' Garden
July/August 2024 Take A Break
September 2024 Fake Smiles and Real Joy
October 2024 "Monster Mash '24!"
November 2024 - Dreams
December 2024 - A Curious Christmas

Anybody who wants to support this contest with a banner please insert in Signature Settings (Source button activated):
Many thanks @Saphirewild for all your good work you invested into this great challenge during these many years!!
Thanks you
OMG Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would be thanked in this way!!
I am humbled and thankful that I could run with you guys for so long!!!!
I did not want to stop because I was having so much fun but my lappy is not the best and I am waiting to be able to afford a new one, so I may be back some time this year you never know!!
With great pleasure I participate to this contest! @Saphirewild you're always kind to us and if you'll come back we'll be happy!
No count:
Genesis 8 Male
"Vlad and Mina for Genesis 8" (not available anymore)
"SI4 Xmas Sunglasses for Genesis 9, 8, 8.1, and 3" (not available)
"Small Sign and Poses for Daz Studio" from my own store:
@pericolo So lovely render! vlad/mina is a very cool character, what a pitty it's gone!
Indeed! Thanks a lot!
Please give your entry a title.
Vlad/Mina and Small Sign both count as paid items.
With these changes:
Entry approved, please move to Entries Thread!
Ok...Then the rules about no count are changed... Good to know it for the next time.
As Hylas chose such a nice theme for this month's challenge, I also wanted to, well not participate (not enough freebies), but at least contribute a render (please click to enlarge to FHD). Many thanks @Saphirewild and also @Hylas for taking over and this great theme idea!
NIce! Would be great if you could add a few freebies and enter the contest! But no pressure if you don't want to, and thanks as always for the banner!
Many thanks @Hylas! To work with freebies is MUCH harder than to create with bought assets, as fitting freebies have to be searched for first and often adapted - that makes this challenge so interesting. Unfortunately I suffer from a major depression and atm can be more than happy to have been able to contribute at least a render on a far easier level for this very special occasion contests' main thread. Thanks again and all the best to the team!
Sounds like a great challenge and a great send off. Now to see if this tag works lol
@Hylas and @Saphirewild: I just sent you a PM for a suggestion.
Title: Garden Party
Caption: Holding a party with presents and treats to thank you for everything you’ve done!
Free stuff
Paid Stuff
@katywhite: (Link 1+2) seems to be hacked. When I click the download button at rendo for the cookies (#3) I am lead to . I never experienced sth like that. Anyway,
Great render and some very nice (shader) freebies - thanks for those!
Oh dear! I downloaded those a while ago so I never doublechecked the link. I can move those two to neutral and take the link out if that works?
yes please do that, before we spread some malware through a faulty link. should be no problem for your image since you still have a lot of freebies
yes, please fix the erock3d link. If it's no longer available it's a no count.
Entry approved, please move to Entries Thread!
Okay! I've removed it on the entries page and on this page so nobody else clicks on it
Okay moved to neutral and links removed, thanks!
Award Ceremony
Thank you for all of your hard work, Saphirewild! You deserve an award!
PS Merry for G8F:
dForce_French Twist Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s):
Rose 3D Model:
Aerith for G8F (dress):
dForce_Belly Dance Nights Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s) (stage):
OnFleek for Genesis 3 & 8 Female(s) (eye materials):
CFM Pumps G8/8.1 Female:
Chameleon ROse2 for Genesis 8 Female (nail polish):
Peacock Jewelry Set for G8F and G9 (necklace):
Gothic Iray Shader Set - Crosses Set 1:
In Recognition:
Summoner's Ostrich:
Entry approved, please move to Entries Thread!
I was supporting a challenge around Christmas, did that challenge get finished? I can't seem to find the thread. I'd love to know who won, as I promised two items from my catalog to the winner. I didn't get notified though, so I'm not sure if it's still ongoing.
Apologies for the oversight, I missed that you contributed to the challenge!
Payat Parin won first place. I don't know if you want to contact them directly, or contact KindredArts, who ran that months contest.
It was probably before Christmas so not the Christmas-themed one. It was a contest where you "roll" to see what products in your library you're going to use. It was my first time donating to a contest and I totally lost track of it. Ugh! I feel awful and can't remember where it was! :( I'm sure someone won it and was like "Where's my prize". I hope I can find it to give their winnings.
EDIT: Never mind, I found it! Whew! lol It's still ongoing so I didn't miss it totally:
I'm sorry for the bother! Maybe the next Freebie Challenge I will be able to donate prizes for it. I'll try to remember to check back here and see when the next one is. :D
Thank you Saphirewild
Big party for you Saphirewild, to thank you for all you have done and your kindness.
I hope you come back!:)
Room Set
Civilized Man for Genesis 3 Male(s) (January biweekly freebie)
The Guy 7 (January biweekly freebie)
Laptop ASUS Modello 3D
JamesF for Genesis 8 Male
1940's inspired suit for G8M - high res version by perlk
Everyday Hair Style for Genesis 8 Male(s) by zoro_d
Gold Trophy Cup 3D Model
Chrissy G9 by Angells Graphics (Fantasy Attic Christmas gifts, day 24, free until February 1, 2025)
WT Holiday Dress for G9F
Street Racer Girl Model for Genesis 9 (hair)
G9 Stiletto High Heels Sandals
Chameleon ROse2 for Genesis 8 Female by zoro_d
Side Swept ROse Hair (G3F , G8F) Part 1, 2 and update by zoro_d
GENESIS 8 Female Skirt & Jacket
Candy box for Daz Studio by perlk
G8F Stiletto High Heels Sandals
Alysha for Genesis 8 Female by emotionaldreams
Office Dress for Genesis 8 Female
CFM Pumps G8/8.1 Female
TaylorLasha For Genesis 8 Female by MagicMaiden
dForce_French Twist Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s) by zoro_d
Qipao B for Genesis 8.1 Female By amyaimei
Minimalist Sandal Heels for G8F Daz Studio --- DLBy TritiumCG
No count
Prae Hair : it was free during Christmas eve some years longer available.
Adam Hair for Genesis 3 Male(s)
Entry approved, please move to Entries Thread!
Thank you Saphirewild
Thanks Saphirewild for all your efforts in the forum!:)
Big Window and 6 Poses
Dino 01 (DAZ3D, Iray, obj included) by SmidA
Dino 02 (DAZ3D, Iray, obj included) by SmidA
Toon Bumblebee
Little Robot By Mysticartdesign
Ratty mouse by marco.dd
Shark Plush Toy for Daz Studio By amyaimei
Gertrud and Family - Update by Ingaskleinkunst
Lambs Family by Ingaskleinkunst
Rooster by Ingaskleinkunst
PB Snowman Plushie
Square_neige by chacornac
COF Children's Play Blocks by Seliah
GROBOT by Sci-Kwon-Do
No count (no more available)
Toon fly by mysticartdesign
Spooky halloween by mysticartdesign
Paid (They were free a month ago in the advent calendar, now they are on sale.)
Tank Bot
Reindeer Plush
Advent Calendar: Pine Plush
Thanks for All the Fun!
Saphirewild has been doing a great job for years of heading the monthly Freebie Challenge. Here’s my entry - a fun (maybe temporary?) “retirement” party! I brought the balloons, some tasty punch, and a SUPER fancy cake! I made sure that there were some sapphires involved, of course, and that there were plenty of plates for everyone ^_^
Thank you so much, Saphirewild, for helping to make all the fun happen! Here's hoping you can get a fantastic deal on a new computer very soon!!!
Free Photo Backdrop for DAZ Studio -
Little Jewel Pendant -
Tetrasphere - (scroll down a little over half way)
EA Balloons for G8F -
Butterfly Ornament -
Peacock Jewelry Set for G8F and G9 -
Surprise Birthday Cake -
MilkShake and Ice Cream (the whipped cream on top) -
Picnic Food (lemon slices) -
Kitchen Add-on Pack (knife and fork) -
Iray Mirror Shader (on the silverware) -
AllanArt Jewelry Shaders -
Gradient Silk Shaders for DS -
Sunflowers HDRI -
No Count:
Atrion Gemstones - Really thought I’d seen these recently at ShareCG, but apparently not. Used to be a freebie.
Multiple Daz Studio primitives
Country Kitchen Accessories 1 (dishes) -
Typi3D: fonts to 3D - MacOS Version (message on cake) -
VDB Inferno (candle flames) -
FlockIt (to place the gemstones and candles) -
I tweaked the materials and the lighting. Set up and rendered within Daz Studio Iray. Postwork in Pixelmator.
I’ve attached the before post render (the one that says Raw Render) and the finished image file.