Please help me identify... solved

Hi! In the promos for , she is wearing the gorgeous golden dress and headdress seen in the picture below. Can anyone tell me where to get this dress and the headdress? Your help most appreciated and Happy New Year to all!
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Post edited by Torquinox on
IIRC those were custom made for the promo pics and are not available anywhere.
Ok. Thanks, @Leana . Some of the pieces look familiar - With shaders, maybe I could get close. I have a fair library of clothing and shaders. The hair and headdress look familiar, too. I think at very least, shaders are custom. At any rate, I couldn't find an exact match for the headdress, either. But it is overall a lovely outfit!
the head dress at least is from this vers old model:
probably brushed up with a lot of new shaders
Ah, I knew it looked familiar, just didn't go back far enough. Note that Children of Aten (1&2) are materials presets only. You need Pharaohs of the Sun for V4 or Pharaohs of the Sun for Genesis Female to get the actual objects.
Thanks @Linwelly and @NorthOf45 . I actually have .I was checking it out. It could work! There are some differences, and that's ok. It doesn't have to be exact. I can at least try to bash something together.
oh, good catch, I didn't realise that
The headress isn't the one from Pharaohs of the Sun(although it is close). The promo artist Yannek made it especially for the image and it isn't for sale. @Leana was correct.
Thanks. Yes, I realized the headdress is not exact. Unfortunate.