Hairshop 1.0 and DressShop 2.0

dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

Do [Hairshop 1.0 and DressShop 2.0] these products only produce hairstyles and clothing G1?  Or do they produce items that work on all Genesis figures (G1-G9)?

I wasn't sure, because they just say: compatible with Genesis.

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  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    You can adapt anything for Genesis1 (which is the supported figure there) to any other Genesis Base from 2 to 9 using the AutoFit options.

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733
    edited January 2

    Thanks for replying?

    'AutoFit options'?  How do I do that?


    Post edited by dash2128 on
  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    Autofit is a part of Daz Studio.

    If you fit an item to another generation that it was saved for, there will come a pop-up asking which generation it was made for, and then DS will run a transfer to the model you are using. Autofit can cause some distortions, which many will smooth out in a modelling program. Smooth inside DS can also help.

    But for something like hair, I would assume it should fit fairly ok, as it primarily is on the head.

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    Oh, okay!  Thank you!  Now I know what was being referred to.

    Autofit doesn't seem to be a 'do-it-all' kind of feature.  Some items, it doesn't seem to be able to adapt and fit.  Other times, it doesn't offer the correct the correct option- usually a female G8, G3 or G2, for some reason.  It usually always offers the male, though.

    Glad to have it, though!  I downloaded some product that is 'supposed' to fit wardrobe between Genesis types, but I haven'thad the time to figure out how it works, yet.

    Thanks again!      

  • joe_karrjoe_karr Posts: 15
    edited February 26

    dash2128  I contacted the creator here and another way and they did reply to me, their old email or tech support email/site they had in the readme file for hair shop 1.0, didn't appear to work (if their tutorials were uploaded that was about over 10 years ago they uploaded those i could see how the old email might not work..) i found them on youtube via looking up their software tuorial videos and how to use their comment area on youtube their newer email i contacted them with was given to a commenter a few months ago (And that email was different from the one in the readme but's been 10 years to be fair..that or they have two different tech support emails?) they said they'd look into the software for me today (after my purchase yesterday) and stated back today that i didn't need a license key and to just double click and open the software....and gave me the missing manual i should've had with the hair shop product when i extracted/opened it (the manual they gave me that was missing in my download also states in install instructions that it needs a license key) i'm currently waiting for them to reply still from me stating that while yes you can OPEN the software and it says to install on c drive... If you keep hitting next button it eventually tells you that you do need a license key to actually be able to fully install the product to your previous drive location..and the manual i downloaded that they gave to me ALSO states in the installation instructions that it needs a license key...Lol...I really hope they hit the next button a few times WITH a new install when testing the product on their end (and not using a preinstalled version they may already have on their computer which might have had a license key already) ...after you hit next, after it saying to install to your cdrive...because when you first double click the .exe file for the software (it's old software and the download file is manual installation..) opens, they are correct about that part...but...!...hitting next It eventually leads to saying it needs a license key before it can fully install the software and i'm personally unsure how someone could forget that their own software needs a license key? ..unless they sold their stuff for someone else to take over and something happened to the original owner? or the original owner hasn't messed with the product in so long they forgot about that, to be fair again...10 years lol...But here i wait...i hope they'll respond again's just...currently as of so far today...i can't use it yet since the install won't continue until i have a license key...I do hope the issue can be resolved, i'll update if it is...i was certianly hoping to use the product to help get the objs started to then import them into other software to make things easier/faster in the hair creating process and save a bit of time in that if possible. I purchased both the 3dprinting License as well and not just the Standard License.

    If you purchased hair shop 1.0 before now as of this post today...(2/25/2025)    

    Did they give you a license key? if i can just use the software i literally will just let them keep my money because i really wanted to test the software out lol

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  • joe_karrjoe_karr Posts: 15
    edited February 26

    Here is what i meant about the readme file email being different from the one they gave on their youtube channel. (image given from the README, license)

    From their youtube channel (few months ago they told someone in their comments the below email and this is their channel:
    "pls. email us at for tech support"

    But their number was they same so i'm not sure unless they just have two emails? But the other one in the readme acted as if it didn't work but the one in their comment area on youtube obviously did work as they contacted me today. And their phone number seems to be the same but i didn't try that yet..Kinda hoping they can respond by tomorrow at the latest and give me the key or a workaround to use their product i purchased..It did still take them until today after my email yesterday to respond to me so i'm sure they are busy and i'm giving them that time, but i still wanted to mention it all here especially since i wasn't sure since your original post if you had went ahead and purchased the files yet and if you have had better success than me lol


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  • joe_karrjoe_karr Posts: 15
    edited February 26

    And here of course is proof of my purchase too which i gave them the info yesterday.

    The screenshot i just got now, so that's why that information of the file name is saying today but the actual purchase was yesterday.


    ..Also according to the README,license file above i showed for hair shop that i attached to my previous comment (just in case you haven't purchased the files yet now that i think of it..) to answer your original question at least for hair shop...according to the read me lol

    " HairShop exports OBJ and MTL files to work with Poser, DAZ Studio and other 3D applications."

    Sadly still waiting to test it out, like i said before it really does look like it could save some time on creating hair for me personally, as long as i can get the software to work via getting the license key to fully install it.

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  • joe_karrjoe_karr Posts: 15
    edited February 26

    Update: The creator of the product contacted me back again today and he found out there was some issue with daz and some lost files (i'm personally assuming because it's an older product) and he didn't realize it until he looked like i suggested but long story short he's getting me a version sent by tomorrow that doesn't need the license key.

    I'll update on how well the product works when i get to try it out myself tomorrow but it certainly looks like it will be worth the buy just from having read the manual yesterday and getting a version of the product soon that will work properly. =)

    Post edited by joe_karr on
  • joe_karrjoe_karr Posts: 15
    edited March 1

    Last Update: Got the working version of the software today and it works great! Exactly how i expected it to from looking at the manual. Be certain to use the creators email here: [personal email removed by mod]

    If you happen to get a download that was a bit messed up like mine was, he'll absolutely fix it and if you have any tech support questions i'm sure he'll help with that as well.

    It's absolutely worth buying if you want to create your own unique hair faster and go from there in other sotfware or you can just use what you create from hair shop into daz if you rather not do more editing in other software.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    Thank you for the info!  Just noticed it!  

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