how to convert one single morph from G8 to G3\G2?

hi, im searching for a way to convert a single morph from g8m to g3m or g2m if possible.
the morph is "Prominent Stomach" i don't really remember from where i got it but i want to use it for my g2m and g3m characters.
i did some searching but all i found are tutorials of how to convert characters but that's not what i need, i only want that single morph to be converted
does anyone here know how to do it and can PLEASE share it with me?
i would really appreciate the help, thanks.
Use Transfer Utility to transfer morphs.
See here:
The morph comes from EJ Body Shape And Details For Genesis 8 Male made by EmmaAndJordi (...can be found from their gumroad site)
With the way of using Transfer Utility, as for G8M > G3M, you 1stly need to have G8M Clone on G3M... by making the clone files yourself or using this product directly:
As for G8M > G2M, there's no clone product AFAIK, but you may check this thread to make one: or, G8M > G3M first, then G3M > G2M ~~
Edit: You want to transfer PBM by using Morph Target rather than rigging wearables to the source figure, no need to check User Nearest Vertices option ~~