could you tell me where the positive bump slider is in Iray
i've upgraded my OS from 32bit to 64 bit in windows 10
I used to use the positive bump slider to victoria7 in 3delight
but i can't see the positive bump slider in iray
where is the negative and positive slider in victoria7, there's only base bump slider in it
in addition
I added the plan, and then there was positive bump
Make an adjustment slide bar, and rendering it but didn't work in Iray
in summary
1. where is the 'positive and negative bump slider' in victoria7
2. why does it not work in Iray
Iray and 3Delight are 2 different rendering engines and, so, works differently.
1. There is no 'positive and negative bump slider' : Take a look to the doc
2. Convert your material to Iray and change the bump map value
thank you for your quick reply
after unlock the value, change the bump value 1000 then
I could see result.