Stopping HEAT animation position reset

How does one stop an imported HEAT animation from reseting the character position to the 0,0,0 origin on animation start? What about extending an animation past the frames in the loop? Will they stack?


  • benniewoodellbenniewoodell Posts: 1,987

    Not sure about the second part of your question, if you begin the scene by parenting the character to a null object, then move the null to where you want the character to start in the scene, by adding the heat animation, it should not move the character since the character would already be sitting at 0, 0, 0, he's moved by the null object. Give that a try, I've done that in the past many times. 

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,221

    Thanks. I'll give it a try.

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,221

    Yep, using a null parent works for not relocating the character. I'll look more into how to chain HEAT animations. Tried a keyframe on the timeline at the end of one cycle, but downloading another animation gets applied back to 0 on the timeline.

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