Feng Character Morphs

This might be a support ticket question but I thought I would try here first. I have bought several Characters from the creator Feng but I don't have many of them installed because everytime I do I see corrective morphs from the characters, dialed in, even though I am not using those specific character morphs. They Specifically appear when you click on the hip Of a character. I was having some bending issues And general issues with meshes And I decided To remove all of the Feng characters since those were the only "rouge" morphs I could find. My question is, is this something to be expected and these morphs don't actually do anything unless the character is dialed in? Before anyone asks, These are downloaded using the installer that Daz provides. I have deleted the package and re-downloaded them several times And confirmed that these morphs still show up. Perhaps, as I said, it is to be expected and these don't actually do anything Unless the character morph is dialed in, but I want to confirm. I have not proven that these morphs have anything to do with the bending issues I saw (which has since been resolved). I am on a phone So please excuse the random capitalization. I don't feel like correcting it Every time it shows up lol.
I've run into that problem before, but I haven't had that issue with any of Feng's characters.
I had a weird problem like this happen when I used the blink morph, the eyes wouldn't shut properly. I found out the morph was activating another product's morphs by mistake (You can read how here: Genesis 9 Eye shut weird if it sounds similar). @Crosswind does a nice step-by-step of how to find if any hidden morphs are triggering by accident. Good luck!
Yes, I have run into this with Feng's Eleanor. There are at least two corrective morphs in the spine that are not linked to her body as they should be, so they trigger with every character. spine3_FNEleanor_CTRLMD_N_XRotate_35 Is one of them, for example. I put in a ticket back in May and they have not addressed it yet, so if you want to use those characters, you will probably need to fix it yourself.
Do you know about a tutorial explaining how to fix them ?
I have a two characters from Feng and as far as I can see, both 'spine3_FN[character]_CTRLMD_N_XRotate_35' are active once I bend spine3 to 35.00.
The posts starting from this one may help: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/9022956/#Comment_9022956
That said ... from what I can see, on some of the Feng characters where this is happening, the 2nd Stage (multiply/divide) is actually properly defined, so the above may not help at all.
I assume DAZ is aware of this? It seems to be pretty widespread with most of Feng's characters. Like I said, I have a lot of them and I like his characters I just won't install them till I know this has been addressed and I haven't bought his latest offering due to fears it will be the same issue. As you can see from the attached photo I am not lying when I say I do buy a lot of his characters. I don't want to have to go through them all and label each one in a ticket to DAZ but if I wan't them fixed maybe I will have to do that.
From what I'm seeing, on Eleanor, spine3_FNEleanor_CTRLMD_N_XRotate_35 and spine2_FNEleanor_CTRLMD_N_XRotate_40 don't have a second stage set.
Once I have added her body morph as a second stage controller, I just have to save modified assets and I'm good ?
Yea, I think you're good then.
Thank you !
I did that with Eleanor and Ethan, who both had the same problem with the two spine elements: from what I'm seeing, it's fixed now and the whatever they are called thingies are only active with Eleanor and Ethan.
I took some screenshots, I'll see if I have some time to add my ticket to the ones other may have already written
Thanks, this helped me, too. FN Ethan has the same problem.
I have some of these characters, but I haven't been aware of any issues with them. Do the Feng morphs affect other characters only if the morphs are used or do they affect other characters just by loading a Feng character into a scene?
This is bad news for me, as Feng makes some of my favorite characters.
They affect all Genesis 9 characters, whether the Feng characters are loaded or not. If you bend the spine 2 or spine 3 of your character, the correction morphs designed for the Feng characters (Eleanor and Ethan are the ones I know about) get applied. The error occurs just because you have the Feng characters installed.
Thanks for that explanation, Barbult. I'm going to have to look into the process of making the correction. I would rather spend my time rendering...
It's a couple of minutes per character once you know what to do.
An easy way to found the ones that are missing correctly set second stage controller (you may already know how to do some of the steps).
1. Load a Feng character you want to check / fix
2. With the Parameters tab active, switch to Edit mode
3. The character should still be selected at this point, but if it's not, select it and then make sure the Parameters tab while show the various morphs sliders related to the character (easiest way, Currently used then filter by the character name), you may need an easy access to them later.
4. Right click on any property and go all the way down the menu to click on Show in Property Hiearchy (it's just to open it, there is likely another way but I don't know it)
5. Filter by the character name, which should show you that character at the top of the windows, then open the Bones sub-menu.
6. Check any bone with a sub-menu, to see if the 2nd stage controller is correctly set and take note of their names, you'll need them later (you can take a screenshot, it could be useful for remembering them and to open an ticket to ask for an official fix). As an example, on Eleanor, spine 2 and 3 don't have any 2nd stage controller defined:
7. from the Parameters tab, drag and drop the body morph of the character you're fixing onto Controller > 2nd Stage, do that on any problematic property. You should end with something like this on Eleanor:
8. Then, go to File > Save As > Support Asset > Save Modified Assets. Once the window is open, uncheck anything not related to what you changed. As an example, I don't know why but when I opened the windows, Daz listed other elements, including Genesis 9, and I didn't modified any of them. So I unselected them to be safe. I also don't know how to avoid my username being set as the author but it's not important and the files will be replaced once an official fix is deployed so I didn't bother looking for a solution.
Here's how it looked after fixing Eleanor (Daz usually don't compress file, but it's checked by default):
Bonus step. If you have the time, open a ticket to ask for an official fix (I don't know if it's possible to open one ticket for all character of if it's need to be one for each character).
@vwrangler saw the same problem on some Feng's characters with a correctly set second stage controller but it was not the case of the two I own so no idea what's causing it and how to fix it.
I'm probably not looking in the right place-
I have a non-Feng characer in the scene, and I have her in a pose that bends both spine 2 and spine 3. In Currently Used in the Parameters Tab, I don't see anything related to Feng listed. Where should I be looking to see what's being applied to the figure?
Do you show Hidden properties ?
If there is a problem, with the bone (spine 2 or 3) selected and in the Parameters tab, list all Currently used parameters and you should see if any of your Feng's character has the problem: every one of them who is concerned will have an property active and set to 1.00.
Once I know which character had at least one problematic property, I did it like explained in the previous message (it was easier to look for any bone with a sub property to see if the 2nd stage was correctly set than to active each bone one at a time looking for hidden properties), but as long as you can access their body morph slider to drag and drop it onto the 2nd stage property, you will be able to fix them.
Edit: I have a screenshot, I'm editing it and will attach it once it's done.
Edit 2: Here's the screenshot, with Genesis 9 Base and no other morph active. After bending Spine 3, properties from Ethan and Eleanor were active, when they should not:
Elor, thanks so much for taking the time to post this explanation! It's a huge help!
I've checked two Feng characters so far- FN Edith and Ethan as both were mentioned as having this issue. What I've found under the Bones sub-menu, none of the bones of either of these characters has a sub-menu, including the spines. Is that normal- should there be a sub-menu under the spines?
Strange, Ethan does have one property under each of the two bones (Spine 1 and Spine 2) (it's a screenshot taken after fixing both controllers):
Did you filter with Ethan ?
The mistake I made is I filtered with "FN Ethan" instead of just "Ethan". Now I get the same results you have.
When I click and drag the Ethan body morph from Parameters, I get the following error message:
I don't know what caused that error. I just tested it and didn't have it, dropping 'FN Ethan Body' onto '2nd Stage':
Elor, I notice your Property Hierarchy has a bit more information than mine. Your Spine 2, Controllers, 2nd Stage has "Multiply/Divide, whereas mine doesn't; it's just blank there. Could that be a problem?
I think it's because the column is very narrow: you can make it larger and you should have the same text too.
As for the cause of your problem, I'm sorry, but I have no idea what's going wrong :(
Elor, thanks again for helping me out with this! I learned a lot in this proces.
So, does this need a ticket to clean up from the vendor side? If so, I guess I'll have to put on in... or multiple, incase support asks for that... sigh...
If you don't want to try and fix it yourself, it does. My ticket for Eleanor has languished for nearly 8 months, so don't expect a speedy fix.
Rgr... thanks for the heads up
It is not at all unusual to wait months to even get a human response to a tech support ticket. Getting an actual fix to a problem is rare, in my experience. I have tickets that sit for 3 years with no fix and then get silently marked solved and closed with no notification to me. If you can't fix it yourself, you may be out of luck.
I recommend filing the ticket. It takes a few minutes at most, and you'll be giving DAZ a chance to fix it. You'll also be documenting to DAZ that there's an issue that needs to be looked into. You never know, you could get lucky with the Support roulette- I've actually had positive results with them, but many haven't.
I got told by tech support in an answer to one of my tickets that bugs aren't fixed there, but just reported to the PA of the product to solve the problem. If the PA doesn't do anything, than the bug will persist. And the ticket will probably closed after some time... for more details we would need someone from tech support to anser here. Which isn't probable to happen.
What a shame. I've so many Feng characters and, as I'm not using them yet and therefore have no inclination to do this fix on so many, I'll just uninstall them.
Does anyone know whether this issue will impact performance? I've been having a torrid time posing G9 and have been unable to track down the issue. It can take an hour to restore a pose too, which obviously removes that as an option in my workflow. I've suspected it may be something related to correctives and am now wondering whether Feng's characters may be a culprit. But I'm not really clear on how that all works.