【seek help】Unable to log in to DAZ Install Manager

When I log in to DAZ Install Manager, I get stuck in this page, prompting me that:【Unable to login to the specified account. Verify the email and/or password and try again】
The very strange thing is that last night I downloaded DIM on my laptop at home and had the same situation, I couldn't log in, so I searched the Internet for information, Found a blogger can be solved by deleting the [C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\UserAccounts \ account.ini] file, Last night I did it through this method and successfully logged in DIM, but this morning I came to my company and couldn't log in on the company's computer, so I tried to copy yesterday's method, but after deleting this file, I still couldn't log in, I felt like I was going to crash: (
Somebody who can solve my problem, please!!!!
You may want to copy or move your request for help to the DIM forum in the Commons where it can get quicker attention from the moderators. This is a periodic issue, along with loosing connection like I did yesterday during a download.
That path works only if that is the account you are using. Try
%appdata%/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/UserAccounts/
instead as that will go to the folder used. Also note that account.ini is the default, but not the one that will be used if you have added and are using additional accounts.