DAZ Connect - An incomplete feature?

It would be nice if DAZ Connect had been introduced as a Beta feature for DAZ Studio.

Missing Content
I'd guess that about a half of the products in my product library do not show up in DAZ Connect (even the ones that say they should on their product page).

Complicated Offline Mode
Why on earth wouldn't 'offline' files dowloading be integrated into the DAZ Studio UI?  Software of this nature should be about productivity, not file management.

Good ol' DAZ Install Manager
This should be what was integrated into DAZ Studio.  It should evolve to support the encrypted files of DAZ Connect.

Yes, DAZ Connect is easier because it is integrated into the studio.  That only holds true if the products I want to use show up in it.  As it stands, I have to go back and forth between DAZ Studio/Connect and DAZ Install Manager.  This back-and-forth was tolerable when one was for productivity and the other for content management. Now I'm supposed to manage my content in two places?
In short, until DAZ Connect is as feature rich (relatively) as DAZ Install Manager, it seems to have been a pointless add-on to DAZ Studio.

And that's... my two cents


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