Astaroth, coool

in The Commons
Well there's a Premire bundle that I'm not going to wait until the end of the month to put into my cart. I think I have more G9 male characters than female ones now (which is a first). Plus, it won't matter as much if this one's skin is too red like every other DAZ character's is these days. ;)
I am sure you meant orange
Cool character! (And I like the guitars!)
I'm a bit confused about the abs/belly situation though, is it just me?
He's a nice character and the bundle has a coherent theme. I'm not sure what I could use him for, but I got Tara's succubus and Wagner's demon add-ons (as part of pro bundles) so may grab Astaroth at some point. But without a normal male character beneath, that'll only be if I ever have need of demon characters.
I'd be interested in a few of the items in the filatoon bundle, but I'm not going to pay twice to get the Iray materials for them, which is what I use.
LOL, oh he will be orange when I'm done. Also looking forward to trying to mix him with a certain morph I bought a few months ago.
Face is somewhat interesting, but the body is everything wrong with G9.
Oversized trapezius muscles do not look good. Upper body looks mismatched and too big for lower body. Orcish.
Bundles aren't doing much for me, either.
The moment I saw that Hellboy coded toon version, it leaped right into my basket and stole my Paypal credentials.
I like his design and his proportions make Thomas 9 and Mateo 9 shake in their boots! I'm not into the toon version of this one so I'm passing on that one, but adding the bundle plus the texture addon for the jacket gets the extra discount and makes it less than just the character bundle alone. Saving my premier coupon for the last week of the month. It's a gamble to be sure, but it worked out for me last month with Sylvia!
I would have liked a female form as the Premier addon instead of the alternate form, but some morphing can fix that.
I was hoping for more of the usual female character release. Oh well. I guess another skin texture could be applied. Wonder if he can be morphed smaller. Not really needing a behemoth.
Cool looking figure. Too bad it's for G9, which I don't/won't use ^^. No reason to get the bundle as my Premiere freebie, as there's only one item (the Rocker outfit) that looks like to be useful for G8 figures... so I guess I hope for the next bundle release, before my Premiere runs out
Cool or Hot?!
The more of your posts I read, the better I like you.
If he's still in the Premier selection after my break, I might grab him. I like some of the other items. I am very annoyed that Iray for the guitars is a separate addon rather than part of the base product. Other recent products have had Filatoon/Filament/Iray all included. (A cart with just those 2 items, no tokens, is over $13.)
Astaroth's face is great. However, as doubledeviant, I don't like the proportions and the body. The head is too small; wrists and ankles are too thick. In addition, this exaggerated trapezius, which Daz simply cannot get away from. It distorts all proportions and gives the figures unattractive hanging shoulders. But this is probably all in line with some bodybuilding ideals, for whatever reason.
The problem with the head size is of course very easy to fix. I'm sure I can find a better body in my library. I used my January coupon for the character bundle and gave Astaroth Mada's great outfit and textures.
I like this one. It's the best of these Hellboy takes yet. The very nice horn collection plus the super filatoon shader materials makes this super great. I hope it's still in the Premier for February's coupon but I'll probably just combine tokens and my remaining coupons to go ahead and get it within the week.
Yeah I probably should have said "hot", haha.
>>The more of your posts I read, the better I like you.<<
LOL, thank you. Sometimes it goes the other way, so I'm glad. ;)
>>However, as doubledeviant, I don't like the proportions and the body.<<
Yeah I can see this; the body has extremely weird proportions, and it's always a bit annoying to me when figures have muscularity details that cannot be dialed out. Lowering the Astaroth Proportions dial will help, plus there are two trapezius dials (if you have Shape Shifter, one if not) that can be dialed negatively, and that works well too. Texture is too shiny by default (:sigh: as always), but that's easily fixed. I think this is a good character if you're willing to put some time into manually adjusting him and turning lots of dials.
I for one like his proportions
I only don't love the pot-belly/rock-hard abs combo, but I will concede that steroid users sometimes do have that build.
I think he's shaped exactly the way the PA intended. This is basically a fantasy figure; not a depiction of reality so one would expect some artistic liberty in the design. Dials we can use to adjust shapes is one of the features of DAZ; many of us use them on almost every character anyway.
I agree with you. It also wouldn't matter what generation it is since it's a customized form. Granted, not as much as some other like Wagner's demon forms but it's not intended to look like a realistic human. I dig it and later I'm going to make some cool renders with him. And make a female version too!
Timing couldn't be more perfect for this release as I'm finishing up writing a short film and needed a character just like this. Instant pick up.
Female form with Tara and Oso Cat and a few things.
I keep reading Astarion instead.
And yes, of course we can make him look decent with some effort. I'd rather have a good-looking character out-of-box as a starting point from which to work.
I suppose I'd be more impressed if there were something new and interesting here. Simple fantasy skins and eyes? Got plenty already. Standard-issue devil horns? Same. Tara 9 and Wagner 9 at least offered something fresh. A basic no-frills Hellboy knockoff doesn't even measure up to G3-era standards - a simple update of Anneka and Damien would have been more useful, imo.
But to change the subject from our differing evaluations: I'd be curious to see that female version if you end up doing it and feel like posting.
Ok, this time with the actual stupid image linked. heh. Sorry about that.
Excellent render from Oso! To doubledeviant's stance, I completely understand and while working with it, I actually had to use Tara style addons to make it look presentable. The skin is good, but not that much different from the Succubus form. And really, I prefer the Wagner 9 style demon form over this one anyway, which I had to partly use to achieve the look I wanted. But here's what I created:
Van Helsing-100% Astaroth Proportions-85%. Stocky-35%. Voluptuous-100%. Wagner 9 Demon Head-100%. HID Kate Feet-100%. The smaller feet was a bit offputting so that helped a bit.
Also I got the bundle at a crazy low price. I added the Character Bundle plus the $7 addon for the jacket, used 8 tokens and with my $10 off DO coupon, it came to $10.49!
Beautiful work, OrangeFalcon!
I knew I should've saved my coupon, instead of getting Vicky 9 ^^'
Thanks! I had fun with that one. I underestimated the details of the skin. With the other thread talking about Olympia 9, I had the idea of using her and just the skin, horns and fangs-no Wagner morph added. The skin has some interesting textures, and the eyes look pretty nice.
Even demons have to sit for portraits at times! The texture and tones are pretty, um, cool (or maybe "neat" would be better).
Yeah! Even demons need to get their headshots. How else is one suppose to audition for possessions or other evil gigs?
I love the texture now. It's different enough from some other skins at least. I'm pleased at the last two bundles having amazing textures.
At first glance, I thought it was Hellboy.
He looks to definitely be inspired by Hellboy