Morph Master - Does it work on Animation?

in The Commons
There's a new product (I can't find the official thread for it) :
I have a question, does it work with animation?
Thank you.
Best regards,
I don't have it yet, but from viewing the materials, I would imagine that's one of those "Yes and No" answers that would have to be answered on a process by process base by the creator. From what I see, most of the morphs and deforms it creates can probably be used within a timeline, but there's nothing to indicate that it will automatically create an animated sequence of either as a batch process, while many of the dforce enhancements are probably better done in animation by simply using d-force... .
That product has an rather creepy picture.
Definitely yes. All morphs are animatable, so you can put them on your timeline as any other property.
Yes, it sure does. It might be a great product, but that main promo made me want to look no furthere and run far away.
Indeed ~~ though I watched the video for a while..
To be honest, the product just automates the workflows of using Smoothing modifier with collisions plus some cut colliders... but that's not the natural physical collision we see in real life as well as we really need in a render. For instance, in that case of people sitting on a sofa, there should be mesh deformation on both figure's body and sofa... With Smoothing modifier, you can just see the sofa "deformed"... let alone we also know Smooting modifiers perform badly in quite a lot of cases. Personally, I'd rather use dForce modifiers + weight maps on the body and colliders, with a Simuation on timeline. I can get much better results.
So still, we expect there'll be a true softbody / ragdoll engine in the future ~~
Thanks for posting your analysis of what you saw it do.
However, in the video after creating the collision deformation on the couch, he turns the deformation into a morph, then uses the partially dialed in morph on the couch to generate the sitting deformation on the figures body. I'm not sure how that compares in ease to using cloth deformation on both figures, but conceptually it's pretty simple and the results looked good to me.
While much (maybe all) of what is done with the plugin can be done directly in DS, the plugin seems to make it MUCH simpler and faster. I'm not sure if you can make morphs directly in DS from collision deformation though. If not, then this plugin definitely offers something new that would also be very useful.
It does a good bit more than that. Granted, there's little that it does that can't be done by manually going through all of the tedious steps, but it greatly simplifies them, especially when it comes to creating multiple collisions by seperate objects on the same figure, restricting the effects of smoothing to a single portion of a model to elimate distortion in other areas, and transfering large groups of morphs from figure to figure, either to create a full or partial combined morph, automatically adjusting a figures rigging, etc. Honestly, just the fact that it puts all of them on the same menu to jog my brain was worth the price of the product alone....
Yeah, but... we've all been saying that for how many years now? Given that Poser had the Poser Physics option nearly 20 years ago and we're still looking at a DS that can't even apply collisions from multiple sources on a single figure without resorting to crazy tricks like invisible clone parts, I don't see any indication that it's something we're likely to get in the near future.
@DustRider That's right, technically we can... with the very standard funcitons in DS. But I agree, as I said, the scripts (rather than a plugin) in this product automates some workflows ~~
@Cybersox Well, I've been expecting even if there're a few alternatives...
Folks, I'm sorry but everybody has workflows to make these effects. I have no intention to stop you from buying it if you'd love to. Pls go ahead.
By the way, it took a while, but the creator finaly started an offical thread for the product over on the Commercial Products forum. Morph Master - Daz 3D Forums
There's at least one freebie around that manages that, too, with just marking the objects/figures and than using a script. Doesn't come up with a morph, though.
This product looks like a nice gathering of helpful functions. It surely proves a big help for people who don't have the time to hunt the different sources for free scripts or utilities.
Especially when you have a library that is already overflowing with hundreds of scripts, many with names that don't necessarily call to mind every function they can achieve and others that have, for various reasons, simply ceased to work as they once did. As I noted above, simply having all these functions laid out together in a single pane, rather than scrolling back up and down looking for the script that does X, is a big time saver.
Hey crosswind, it;s been a while, my friend! Howz it going?
I'm sure you already saw this, but with the Pro license, Ragdoll is already available with a "Send to DAZ" command!
I can't do the monthly thing. You wouldn't have a pile of $$$ I could have to get this, would you?
Hey, bro ! How are you doing ? Yea, I saw that video last year but unfortunately I had no chance to try the new features even if I still have the annual plan there, haha ~
I'll give it a try then ! Thank you !