DAZ 3D female aging

I wonder if DAZ 3D will incorporate for progressive gradual accumulative increasing female aging the following: 

(Skin and Wrinkle Assessment Scales

Glogau Wrinkle Scale (Skin Aging):

Grade I: Mild wrinkles, visible only with magnification, no obvious signs of aging.

Grade II: Fine lines, early aging signs, mild sun damage.

Grade III: Noticeable wrinkles, age spots, skin laxity visible without magnification.

Grade IV: Deep wrinkles, severe skin damage, significant sagging, extensive sun damage.

Wrinkle Types:

Dynamic Wrinkles (appear with expressions):

Crow’s Feet: Lines around the eyes when smiling or squinting.

Forehead Lines: Horizontal lines when raising eyebrows.

Laugh Lines: From nose to mouth when smiling.

Glabella Lines: Vertical lines between eyebrows from frowning.

Lip Lines: Around the mouth when pursing lips.

Static Wrinkles (visible at rest):

Marionette Lines: From mouth to chin.

Nasolabial Folds: Deep creases from nose to mouth.

Jowls: Sagging skin along the jawline.

Neck Lines: Horizontal neck wrinkles.

Cheek Creases: Folds from volume loss.

Factors Affecting Wrinkles:

Collagen loss, elastin breakdown, sun exposure, smoking, dehydration, facial expressions, gravity.

Additional Aging and Sagging Scales

Fabi-Bolton Chest and Breasts Wrinkle Scale:

Grade I: Smooth skin, mild wrinkles.

Grade II: Mild to moderate wrinkles, slight tone loss.

Grade III: Noticeable wrinkles, skin laxity.

Grade IV: Severe wrinkles, deep folds, significant tone loss.

Ptosis Scale (Breast Sagging):

Grade I: Nipple at/slightly below fold.

Grade II: Nipple below fold but not lowest point.

Grade III: Significant sagging, nipple far below fold.

Grading Abdominal Panniculus (Excess Abdomen Skin/Fat):

Grade 1: Covers pubic hairline, not mons pubis.

Grade 2: Covers mons pubis, reaches upper thighs.

Grade 3: Extends to upper thighs.

Grade 4: Reaches mid-thigh.

Grade 5: Covers knees, hinders daily activities.

Crepey Skin Grades:

Grade 1: Minimal looseness/wrinkling.

Grade 2: Moderate crepiness, slight looseness.

Grade 3: Severe crepiness, deep wrinkles.

Grade 4: Extreme crepiness, deep folds.

Hair Loss Scales

Norwood-Hamilton Scale (Male Pattern Baldness):

Grade 1: Normal hairline.

Grade 2: Slight temple recession.

Grade 3: Deeper recession, "M-shaped" pattern.

Grade 4: Significant hairline retreat with thinning crown.

Grade 5: Larger bald crown with some frontal connection.

Grade 6: Frontal and crown areas connect, more baldness.

Grade 7: Complete baldness on top, remaining sides thin.

Ludwig Scale (Female Pattern Hair Loss):

Grade 1: Thinning at the crown, intact hairline.

Grade 2: Pronounced crown/top thinning.

Grade 3: Baldness in thinning areas.)

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