Will "Genesis 8 Cross-Figure Resource Kit" do something for me if I already have the RSSY converter?

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Will "Genesis 8 Cross-Figure Resource Kit" do something for me if I already have the RSSY converter?
thanks for your input!
I only have the former, and without knowing how the latter works, I can't say. It's certainly not as automated as RSSY's, but it works great in my experience, and have used it on things like the Laguna mermaid tail.
oh it works on geografts?
Well, they use different ways for conversion, the former: Clone; the latter: unique projection template. Then, conversion with the former is quick but with the issues of deformed / triangulated geometry, while the latter performs slower but can give much better quality... as well as supports batch conversion.
So, if you already own the latter, you don't really need the former, IMHO ~
ok thanks, that's useful to know. I was wondering if the former is just an automated version of the latter. But if they use different techniques it could be interesting to own both, if one doesn't give good results the other still might.
It could be... and now they're cheap ~~
It should work on anything that is fitted to a figure, and I would imagine that the RSSY converter does as well.
pretty sure RSSY converter only works on clothes.
But thank you both of you, will get the cross-resource kit!
The cross kit converter can only handle geografts for Genesis 2 as the male and female bases have the same geometry. It can not convert geografts for Genesis 3 and 8.
Technically, RSSY's Converter can work on geo-grafts but as default, the converter firstly checks if the Wearable is in Clothing folder or not. If it's not, it'll give you error message. So, if you want to convert a geo-graft, just copy / paste the geo-graft Wearable Preset file(s) to the Clothing sub-folder under People > Genesis 8 Female / Male folder. Then that'll do ~~
But no matter you convert geo-grafts with Cross-Figure script or RSSY Converter from G8F to G8M or vice versa, you will have to re-setup Auto Hide ~
Edit: Yes, depending on the geo-grafts, some will work, some won't... or some extra work of re-modeling / re-rigging may be needed.
The Cross-Figure Resource Kit is available for G3 and G8, and I can assure you that it works on geografts for both generations.
Although the G3 and G8 geometry isn't identical between the bases, the only place the topology actually differs within generations is a relatively limited portion of the chest area (and between the generations, the nail and eyelashes, I think), so if you can get the vertices to snap into exactly the right position to weld (this may need the assistance of a "closest vertex" shrinkwrap modifier in Blender, particularly if you need to go between G3 and G8 with posing), many geografts can indeed be converted between any of the G3 and G8 bases with the a shape clone, the right skills and a little effort.
The case in here is cross-gender rather than cross-generation... e.g. converting G8F's geo-graft to G8M or vice versa. If using Cross-Figure script, as far as I experiment, direct fitting doesn't work... at least re-rigging with XID morph is needed. Then reset Graft attachment + Auto Hide.