A question about character morphs

nabob21nabob21 Posts: 1,031


I have purchased a very nice character for G8.1F that includes the character shaping morphs plus some very nice smile morphs. The character is loaded as a scene subset, and when loaded, the morphs show up on the Parameters tab under Morphs/Morph Loader. Whe the character is not loaded into the scene, these morphs don't show up. I would like to try the smile morphs with other characters, so is there a way to get these morphs to show up in Morphs/Morph Loader without having to add the character to the scene?

Thanks in advance for any replies.




  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    are you by any chance trying to use a 8.1 shape/smile on a 8.0 figure? you have to load an 8.1 figure, and the shape/smile should be in the parameters.

  • What's the product in question? Maybe some of us have it and at the very least can look at the details of what's in it. 

  • nabob21nabob21 Posts: 1,031

    It's a product made by DHRender on Deviantart which is a clone of Marilyn Monroe.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,890

    It sounds as if the morphs were not saved as assets, so they are available only when the figure is loaded from a file that embeds them (the Scene Subset, though a Character preset would also work if used to load a new figure). Morph should not usually be left in the Morph Loader group, either, so it does appear that this artist is not following general conventions on packaging.

  • nabob21nabob21 Posts: 1,031

    Is there any way to access these morphs so they can be used with other characters?

  • RawArtRawArt Posts: 5,964

    If the morphs are not saved properly (like how these sound to be), then to use them on other characters would be very hard, you would have to save them all out properly yourself.

    It is a shame when people save assets incorrectly and still try to sell them.

    Very unprofessional.

  • RawArt said:

    If the morphs are not saved properly (like how these sound to be), then to use them on other characters would be very hard, you would have to save them all out properly yourself.

    It is a shame when people save assets incorrectly and still try to sell them.

    Very unprofessional.

    Exactly! RawArt practices quality control too and I've never had an issue with any of the products.

    That's why I was wondering what the product was or where exactly it was obtained from so we could take a look.  Might be best to reach out to whomever you purchased it from for further details, explanations or to acquire any missing files. 

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897
    edited January 12

    Actually Richard finding them in Morphs/MorphLoader is pretty common for content outside of this site, yep so much of it is really that poorly done.

    Post edited by Bejaymac on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124
    edited January 12

    OP can directly contact the vendor to report the issue... If OP wants to fix it, properly batch set Type / Path on the morph properties in Parameters pane first, then save a Figure / Prop Asset  Morph / Modifier Assets with the Subset selected ...

    No need to be overly critical of the content creators from 3rd-party sites... Not like the vendors in this store...who are given quite a few tools / documentation by Daz at the very beginning, 3rd-party vendors most of the time have to go for self-learning as there's no official guideline for them. So from time to time, they just make some mistakes ~~

    I've seen worse cases in this store... yes, for instance... there're saved DSFs but none of the morph properties works (resulted from a wrong workflow...). The worst case is : some vendors make mistakes but never correct them ....


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,890

    crosswind said:

    OP can directly contact the vendor to report the issue... If OP wants to fix it, properly batch set Type / Path on the morph properties in Parameters pane first, then save a Figure / Prop Asset with the Subset selected ...

    Modifier asset, surely?

    No need to be overly critical of the content creators from 3rd-party sites... Not like the vendors in this store...who are given quite a few tools / documentation by Daz at the very beginning, 3rd-party vendors most of the time have to go for self-learning as there's no official guideline for them. So from time to time, they just make some mistakes ~~

    I've seen worse cases in this store... yes, for instance... there're saved DSFs but none of the morph properties works (resulted from a wrong workflow...). The worst case is : some vendors make mistakes but never correct them ....


  • NetherFalconNetherFalcon Posts: 581
    edited January 12

    crosswind said:

    OP can directly contact the vendor to report the issue... If OP wants to fix it, properly batch set Type / Path on the morph properties in Parameters pane first, then save a Figure / Prop Asset with the Subset selected ...

    No need to be overly critical of the content creators from 3rd-party sites... Not like the vendors in this store...who are given quite a few tools / documentation by Daz at the very beginning, 3rd-party vendors most of the time have to go for self-learning as there's no official guideline for them. So from time to time, they just make some mistakes ~~

    I've seen worse cases in this store... yes, for instance... there're saved DSFs but none of the morph properties works (resulted from a wrong workflow...). The worst case is : some vendors make mistakes but never correct them ....


    Mistakes can happen from PAs here and I've had a few instances of purchasing products with issues. What grinds my gears is when they're left with mistakes for extended periods of time after being reported. I just stop buying from them because I can't trust the quality anymore. 

    Luckily it doesn't happen often and most are resolved. Most. Overall I'm quite happy with the PAs here and don't want any of them attacked, as well as vendors from 3rd party sites. 

    I hope OP can get a response from the vendor and get the solution he/she is looking for. 

    Post edited by NetherFalcon on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124
    edited January 12

    Richard Haseltine said:

    crosswind said:

    OP can directly contact the vendor to report the issue... If OP wants to fix it, properly batch set Type / Path on the morph properties in Parameters pane first, then save a Figure / Prop Asset with the Subset selected ...

    Modifier asset, surely?

    No need to be overly critical of the content creators from 3rd-party sites... Not like the vendors in this store...who are given quite a few tools / documentation by Daz at the very beginning, 3rd-party vendors most of the time have to go for self-learning as there's no official guideline for them. So from time to time, they just make some mistakes ~~

    I've seen worse cases in this store... yes, for instance... there're saved DSFs but none of the morph properties works (resulted from a wrong workflow...). The worst case is : some vendors make mistakes but never correct them ....


    You're right ! Corrected ~~

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • nabob21nabob21 Posts: 1,031

    Is there a way to somehow transfer the morphs to another character, or a way of accessing or calling them in the data folder? Forgive my ignorance but I don't really understand the inner workings of stuff like this.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124
    edited January 12

    nabob21 said:

    Is there a way to somehow transfer the morphs to another character, or a way of accessing or calling them in the data folder? Forgive my ignorance but I don't really understand the inner workings of stuff like this.

    Yes, mark the morphs as Favorites then transfer them to another char. by using Transfer Utility...with the option of Morph Targets.

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • RawArtRawArt Posts: 5,964

    All of the older PA's here are also all self taught. There was no documentation when we started with D/S.

    Even now alot is learned by PA's helping each other to learn and improve.

    My point was not about being critical to any product maker, it was simply that if you want to sell products, then it is up to the product creator to learn to make the products properly (at least the basics as this is) so that customers are able to use them. It looks bad on them to put stuff out there that doesnt work right.This is clearly one of those cases.


  • RawArt said:

    All of the older PA's here are also all self taught. There was no documentation when we started with D/S.

    Even now alot is learned by PA's helping each other to learn and improve.

    My point was not about being critical to any product maker, it was simply that if you want to sell products, then it is up to the product creator to learn to make the products properly (at least the basics as this is) so that customers are able to use them. It looks bad on them to put stuff out there that doesnt work right.This is clearly one of those cases.


    For the record, my post wasn't directed at you specifically about attacking other PAs. I didn't want the thread to generally turn into that because that kind of thing tends to happen. 

    Although I'd say that if you're a PA who doesn't have quality control issues, that does give you an actual voice on how to do it right and the importance of learning, while utilizing the tools you have. And to have a response with an intent to fix the issue(s) is a huge thing and improves your credibility.

  • RawArtRawArt Posts: 5,964

    No worries Orange Falcon, I was more responding to the post that assumed PA's get all kinds of info and tools from daz to make our products.....but the reality is we are all self taight. There is no "Franchise kit" that gives pa's everything they need to know.


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124
    edited January 12

    I didn't assume anything. Among PA friends of mine in here, some are veterans who started theire biz in here from long time ago, some are new and I know what they got and what they didn't as they told me. There's no content creator is all-mighty and no one can assure they never make mistake. And there's always a learning curve.

    As experienced PAs in here, better be more tolerant of other content creators esp. from other sites where they have less privileges. It's a small world in Daz3D, kind instructions and guidelines are always welcome though I know not all folks are willing to do so.

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • crosswind said:

    Not like the vendors in this store...who are given quite a few tools

    There are no tools that vendors are given at Daz that allow them to save content properly that are not available to every other Daz user and any documentation and tutorials are available on YouTube.

  • RawArtRawArt Posts: 5,964

    This has gotten way off topic.

    The point is the product was not made properly, and the customer has concerns about using it to its properly expected potential. What tools DAZ pa's have or dont have (and it really is alot less than you are suggesting) is irrelevant. There are alot of product makers on sites outside of daz who do know how to make and distribute products in a proper and professional manour. That shows the information is there available to anyone who seriously wants to learn, Putting out incorrectly made products is different than making mistakes. Even after doing this for 20+ years I still make alot of mistakes which DAZ's qa usually find and catch me on. But even then I have had stuff slip into the market with errors that I work hard to fix as fast as possible.  That is the professionalism that customers should realistically expect when they spend money on products.


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124
    edited January 12

    ChangelingChick said:

    crosswind said:

    Not like the vendors in this store...who are given quite a few tools

    There are no tools that vendors are given at Daz that allow them to save content properly that are not available to every other Daz user and any documentation and tutorials are available on YouTube.

    I never meant that the tools given are for saving content / assets properly. And I do know there're lots of tutorials on youtube... even from a few generous PAs from here who were willing to share their knowledge and skills. I myself learnt a lot from them and really appreciate their contributions ~~

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124
    edited January 12

    RawArt said:

    This has gotten way off topic.

    The point is the product was not made properly, and the customer has concerns about using it to its properly expected potential. What tools DAZ pa's have or dont have (and it really is alot less than you are suggesting) is irrelevant. There are alot of product makers on sites outside of daz who do know how to make and distribute products in a proper and professional manour. That shows the information is there available to anyone who seriously wants to learn, Putting out incorrectly made products is different than making mistakes. Even after doing this for 20+ years I still make alot of mistakes which DAZ's qa usually find and catch me on. But even then I have had stuff slip into the market with errors that I work hard to fix as fast as possible.  That is the professionalism that customers should realistically expect when they spend money on products.


    Fine, going back to the OP's case, I don't think that subset doesn't work, the issue is just that the vendor didn't save the modifier assets. Some newbie content creators really don't know that when starting making things. There're also the same cases in this store !

    As a serious DS user and loyal customer in here, I experienced lots of cases in this store and others that the products were wrongly made / saved / packed, even mal-functioned, yada yada ~  However, I won't be too demanding on that as I know in most of the cases, they didn't make those mistakes intentionally.

    Anyway, further arguing on these points is meaningless ~~

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Need to stay on topic about the issue at hand which we have limited information to help with anyway. OP needs to reach out to whomever he got it from for answers and how to fix it. That's really it. 

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,946
    edited January 12

    Does DAZ actually publish preferred locations for assets & morphs? Something like that would be really useful for reference, for those like me, who do morphs & assets fairly infrequently and there's plenty of time to forget between doing it.

    One of the things I'm particularly confused by is wearable presets for objects like knives where the object is used on many generations. The asset is prop which may be loaded on it's own and/or as a wearable. Should the wearable presets be in "Props|[Creator Name]|[Prop Name]|[Genesis *]|" or in a location like "People|[Genesis *]|Props|[Creator Name]|[Prop Name]|" or somewhere else entirely?

    Personally, I like the wearables to be a subdirectory of the prop - because I think of the prop first then the figure to attach it to, but never really seen official advice on it, or all that many commercial cross generational props. I also like the props to be in a creator subdirectory as I can usually remember the creator name longer than the actual prop name. I hope definitive advice can be found - but NOT in video form, as I forget video info faster than I can absorb it.



    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,649

    The simple takeaway to me is, it's not a Daz product that had those problems. Daz has actual QA, testing and support. And while sometimes things do happen, the thousands of installed products that I have from here tells me that the system here works. I extend that confidence to Renderosity and even 'rotica (so far, so good). Other sites and vendors are not necessarily so diligent, even on paid products. It really is a matter of vetting and testing. And no, I don't think the mistakes are intentional. It's just a matter of not knowing what to do or how to do it, and lone folk on DA (since that *is* what we're talking about here) won't necessarily check their offerings as carefully as Daz does here. Simply put, I think a free product on Rendo gets more QA testing than a paid product on DA. For that reason, I'm unlikely to actually buy anything off of DA.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124

    richardandtracy said:

    Does DAZ actually publish preferred locations for assets & morphs? Something like that would be really useful for reference, for those like me, who do morphs & assets fairly infrequently and there's plenty of time to forget between doing it.

    One of the things I'm particularly confused by is wearable presets for objects like knives where the object is used on many generations. The asset is prop which may be loaded on it's own and/or as a wearable. Should the wearable presets be in "Props||||" or in a location like "People||Props||" or somewhere else entirely?

    I like the wearables to be a subdirectory of the prop - because I think of the prop first then the figure to attach it to, but never really seen official advice on it, or all that many commercial cross generational props. I hope definitive advice can be found - but NOT in video form, as I forget video info faster than I can absorb it.



    I've never seen any official guideline either. I used to be told that if Smart Props are made for being used across generations, e.g. Wearable Presets for G2/G3/G8/G9, they better be placed in Props folder.. if Smart Props are only made for a certain generation, better be in People\Genesis Xxxx\Props.

    But still that might not be an absolute rule. I've seen different cases in those folders ~~

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I think the OP will have to load the product and look on YouTube on how to save the morph as a morph asset.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    I think it can be helpful for we PAs to give some comments about what happens 'behind the curtain.'

    #1 is that much of being a PA is pretty much puzzle things out and ask questions of other PAs.

    (#2 is that HD tool is much less useful than almost everyone assumes)


  • RawArtRawArt Posts: 5,964

    To the original poster......If the smiles are made specifically for that character, then they will likely not work near as well on other facial morphs, as they are made to suit that specific face shape. So even if you spend time converting them you may still be dissappointed in the final usability.  Sometimes you may get lucky, but if there are red flags on the character itself and how it is made, you might want to keep that in mind if you try to make things work based off of it.
    The smiles are likely made with the character morph, and that would need to be reversed out to simply just get the smile on its own...and depending on how they were made, it could get really "wonky"



  • Oso3D said:

    I think it can be helpful for we PAs to give some comments about what happens 'behind the curtain.'

    #1 is that much of being a PA is pretty much puzzle things out and ask questions of other PAs.

    (#2 is that HD tool is much less useful than almost everyone assumes)


    Absolutely agree. We're used to quality on this site but I understand creating these products isn't a magical foolproof process, even if someone has the best utilities at their disposal. There are humans doing this and I imagine there's a lot of trial and error to get things the way you want. That's why if and when I run into an issue I report it, move on and see what happens next. I didn't make it so I can't testify to the full intents and use of it. 

    As RawArt also drives home, it's in the best interest for any vendor to control their quality because it can be easy to lose confidence in the consumer. And even if we CAN fix things ourselves, we shouldn't have to, so it's a slippery slope in a sense. The next best thing is to acknowledge, resolve and fix for future consumers. And that applies to all industries. 

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