Space Marine Armor? Or Bulky Sci-Fi Armor?

Anyone have any suggestions for Space Marine armor (male and female compatitble)? V4/M4, G1, G2, G3 Like in Starcraft or Warhammer? Any big/bulky sci-fi armor is what I'm looking for. Xurge had a lot of good choices but I'm just curious if there's anything else I missed!
There is the EXO Suit for G3F and G3M from Bobbie25. Beyond those, I'm not sure.
There are some Warhammer/WH40K models over at Rendo in the Freestuff. Just do a search on "warhammer" in the freestuff area, or on similar related terms (like 'space marine', 'terminator', 'eldar', etc.)
Supersuit and Ultrasuit can do some nicely medium bulk outfits. Might be at least in the direction you are looking for.
I just tried the old Epsilon Armor (it's for M4) on came out pretty nice. I had converted it over to G2M, a while back. Yeah the boots aren't perfect, but overall it's not a bad conversion.
Thanks guys. I found some nice armor.
I was just using those games as an example. I just wanted bulky sci-fi armor not ripped/copywritten armor from WH or SC games. =P
One of these days I'll get a 3d printer, then those WH models can really boost my table top collection LOL
This product used to be sold here a while back. its for M4, by powerage
Hey, Antfarm and I did this one for the G2's!