Space Marine Armor? Or Bulky Sci-Fi Armor?

Anyone have any suggestions for Space Marine armor (male and female compatitble)? V4/M4, G1, G2, G3 Like in Starcraft or Warhammer? Any big/bulky sci-fi armor is what I'm looking for. Xurge had a lot of good choices but I'm just curious if there's anything else I missed!


  • There is the EXO Suit for G3F and G3M from Bobbie25. Beyond those, I'm not sure.

  • hphoenixhphoenix Posts: 1,335

    There are some Warhammer/WH40K models over at Rendo in the Freestuff.  Just do a search on "warhammer" in the freestuff area, or on similar related terms (like 'space marine', 'terminator', 'eldar', etc.)


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Supersuit and Ultrasuit can do some nicely medium bulk outfits. Might be at least in the direction you are looking for.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    I just tried the old Epsilon Armor (it's for M4) on came out pretty nice.  I had converted it over to G2M, a while back.  Yeah the boots aren't perfect, but overall it's not a bad conversion.

  • BomberBomber Posts: 122

    Thanks guys. I found some nice armor. 


    I was just using those games as an example. I just wanted bulky sci-fi armor not ripped/copywritten armor from WH or SC games. =P

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    One of these days I'll get a 3d printer, then those WH models can really boost my table top collection LOL

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852

    This product used to be sold here a while back.  its for M4,  by powerage

    600 x 678 - 173K
  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644

    Hey, Antfarm and I did this one for the G2's!

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