Baking an environment to a HDRI Cube

in The Commons
I am working on my architectual project with a quite render intense outside view from the apartment's inside.
In order to save render time, I would like to bake the view on the outside yard onto a cube, that has the outside baked into a HDRI image.
Any ideas, how to achieve this?
Thanks :-)
Use the spherical Lens Distortion setting under lens in the camera panel.
It's been a little while since I watched it but I think WPGuru's YouTube video "Creating and Working With Your Own HDRIs" covers it if you need more detail:
I think the forum drops the timestamp from the URL but jump to about 1hr 4mins in for the actual creating a HDRI part.
Thanks, I actually thought about this, but my doubt has been, that I intended to map it on a cube.
Wouldn't a sperical lens distortion projection lerad to nasty distortions when mapped on a cube?
( a cube, for keeping polygoncount low and the inner yard to be mapped is shaped rectangular anyway.)
An HDRI doesn't have any polygons, it's an image that wraps around your scene like a sphere
Sorry for confusion. I am not talking about the environment tab.
I can use a HDRI image as a texture map, like any other image format. By this I can use a cube and map an HDRI image on it.
I'd like to create and use a custom polygon cube, instead of a cubic lighting from the environment tab, because it is easier to control in size and position and I can create custom material zones on it.
This cube needs to be mapped with a 360° HDRI image.
You can turn the Environment into a box with a spherical hdri and shrink it to fit inside a room so a spherical hdri should fit around a cube. Haven't tried it but I have used the environment in the environment box to fit in a room to get the lighting.