Steps to have multiple DAZ versions installed?

TomhipTomhip Posts: 458

So just finished a long project, and for its duration I have kept my current installed version frozen (4.22).

I am now looking to update to the newest one but ideally would like to keep the current version on a side somewhere, and usable if possible.

Is it just  matter of making a copy of "DazStudio4" in Applications or do i need to also make a copy of something else?



  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124
    edited January 18

    Yes, more or less just make a copy...:

    1) Replicate the sub-folder DAZStudio4 in C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D. Rename it to 4.22.x.xx. Change the application path in 4.22 shortcut as needed.
    2) Backup IM package from the folder of Download Archive.
    3) Upgrade DS to latest version.

    Do the same to Public Build if you use it...

    Edit: Be noted that different DS versions (General Releast or Public Build) share the same Layout settings. For instance, what you customize in 4.23 is also adopted in 4.22 but actually you cannot have the 4.23's features in 4.22...

    848 x 421 - 22K
    Post edited by crosswind on
  • The directory name change before installing the new one is important. If you don't do it, even if you put the 4.23 version in a new directory, the old one will be deleted. The only way to prevent it being deleted is that name change. Regards, Richard.
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    I just rename the folder of the current version I am using to something like Studio 4.22, Studio 4.21 Beta, Studio 4.22 Beta etc. and then just download and install the new version which creates its own folder which would be DAZStudio4. The old versions still work as normal.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124
    edited January 18

    Fishtales said:

    I just rename the folder of the current version I am using to something like Studio 4.22, Studio 4.21 Beta, Studio 4.22 Beta etc. and then just download and install the new version which creates its own folder which would be DAZStudio4. The old versions still work as normal.

    But if you do so... you will lose all the installed plugins in the newly-installed latest version folder... You have to reinstall the plugins.

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    crosswind said:

    Fishtales said:

    I just rename the folder of the current version I am using to something like Studio 4.22, Studio 4.21 Beta, Studio 4.22 Beta etc. and then just download and install the new version which creates its own folder which would be DAZStudio4. The old versions still work as normal.

    But if you do so... you will lose all the installed plugins in the newly-installed latest version folder... You have to reinstall the plugins.

    I just checked and, unless I dragged the Plugin Folder over, they are all there and working, at least the ones I use regularly. 

  • TomhipTomhip Posts: 458

    Thanks all, this has been very useful advice.

    One more query since we are on topic: I plan to migrate to a new PC later this year and was wondering what file i need to copy to retain hidden items in DIM? I have been keeping stuf I dont want installed hidden but rather than copying whole dir to new PC i want to reinstall everything to clean it up as during my initial DAZ days threw every freebie I could find into my Library and its full of junk thats hard to remove now.


  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,495
    edited January 18

    It's in the .ini file for your account. It should be here:

    C:\Users\[your PC user name]\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\UserAccounts

    The filename is: [your DIM account name].ini

    Note that this also contains all the other parameters DIM uses, e.g. install paths, download paths, which tags are active or inactive - you may not want exactly the same settings on your new PC, so just copying that back might not work as you want it to (unless you are keeping exactly the same locations on the new PC). Also the top of the .ini file has some encoded account details which may or may not work there - I've no idea what that long character string means so can't say.

    Your hidden items are in a section headed [HiddenDownloads] - I've attached a screenshot of that section from my DIM.

    [Edit to fix some typos]

    353 x 476 - 61K
    Post edited by MelanieL on
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