help wanted

in The Commons
We at Digital Toybox have recently suffered a minor set back .
We have lost the person that was responsible for doing the riging of ourt retro scifi based clothing items.
We were in the process of upgrading our current catalog of clothing items for use with the genesis 3 figures to include the genesis 8 , 8.1 and 9 figures as well.
We are at a loss as we desperately need someone to take on this role for continued service to the community .
Anyone posesing these skills and having a serious and determined mindset should pm me or nvent3d .
We can discuss options for the payment on the use of your shills .
Only serious peeple need contact us
If the clothes are already rigged for Gen 3, have you tried the RSSY Clothing Converter series of products? Might get you most of the way there.
yes we have but there is something funky that happent to the underarm and crotch areas something to do with joint motion controls we cant figure out
bluto Have you got this:
well G8 and 8.1 you only need to rotate the arms up 45 degrees and legs out 6 degrees
with the clothing unfitted
select the little icon like a butterfly pen and rightclick edit bake rotations
then in the scene outliner with them selected click the hamburger menu to the top right and choose the scene identification option and choose those figures
(I cannot as it needs PostrgreSQL working for smart content and metadata but it works for most people including you most likely)
That wont help at all with rigging.
Rigging is only part of the task for making clothing. Then one normally has a slew of "joint control morphs" to make. Have fun ;-)
This product might help, although I have no firsthand experience with it:
You may be running into the fact that because the base poses are different, G3 and G8 don't have the same corrective morphs for these areas.
Even though the base shape and the figure's posing range are similar, the different starting pose means the JCMs are named differently (G3's arm only bends up 35 degrees from its base pose to its upper limit, so has pJCMShldrUp_35_L, whereas G8's arm has to bend up 90 degrees and its equivalent but non-identical JCM is pJCMShldrUp_90_L) and G3 JCMs therefore aren't automatically driven by G8's JCM controllers, as it doesn't see them as the same morph.
So if you need JCMs for these areas (and you generally do), then they'll need replacing.