What Could Be Causing This Black Mark On the Left Knee Of G8 Kayo Characters? [SOLVED]

This is something that just cropped up just today, and I haven't been able to figure it out. My searches usually bring up issues with the scalp. This is affecting only Kayo 8 and characters based on her. I've uninstalled Kayo 8 and reinstalled her through DIM. I have the error log, and even that is confusing. The image on the left is of the Texture Shaded view, and the one on the right shows how it looks in a render. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

G8 skin prob1.jpg
442 x 285 - 25K

G8 skin prob2.jpg
1160 x 911 - 47K
Post edited by 3DSaga on
Thanks 3Diva! I'm very interested in what your results are.
After a few hours troubleshooting, I've isolated the source of the problem. I'm happy that the issue isn't with Kayo 8 or any of the characters based on her (they're all among my favorite G8 characters).
Since I was able to get them to work normally in other arenas and settings, I found the source of the issue is this asset: https://www.daz3d.com/the-fighting-ring, which I have been using for a few years now. What I did differently this time is I loaded it using one of the "Scene" buttons. Usually I load it using the "Prop" button and then I use the "Render Settings" button (some of which I change). The problem with the G8 skin only occurs when I use the "Scene" button; when I load it seperately as a prop, everything works as it should.
But why or how, does the "Scene" button have this effect on the G8 figure? It kind of bothers me that I can't make sense of this (though it wouldn't be the first time I've encountered an anomally in DAZ no one could explain). All I an say is that I'm back to rendering using Kayo figures and this prop asset as I have been.
That's odd ~ I couldn't reproduce the issue by using whichever way as you mentioned. What's your DS version ?
Thanks for your effort, Crosswind! I'm using DS 4.23 (downloaded via DIM). My nvidia driver is up to date as are all of my system drivers.
As it turns out, I was a bit premature in my assessment; the problem persists, but it's not always present. Back to square one on this...
What morphs are you using? Have you done any editing of the geometry in or out of DAZ? What texture sets and shaders are you using? Are you using the HD morphs? The problem is that the polygons in that one area have had their surface or geometry separated from the rest of the mesh. Given the area renders black, it's possible the normals were somehow flipped, too.
Have you checked to see if there is a stray morph applied to it from some other pack or a custom one you made?
Trying to get an answer to these two posts but the site is timing out very quickly
Nightwolf and Frank, thanks so much for your responses! They got me to look at what I have been doing more carefully to try to determine why these figures would have a problem after years of trouble free rendering.
I can say with certainty now, that the new element that I've introduced- a pair of MMA style gloves made for me by an artist on another site is causing the problem. Without the gloves, everything is fine. When I apply the gloves, the issue reappears.
I'm still a bit puzzled why a pair of gloves would affect the area above the left knee.
Is there a morph applied to the Genesis 8 figure related to the gloves ?
It would not be the first time because there is a swimsuit sold on Daz store that have this problem and the HD morph created to simulate the swimsuit pressure on the skin was saved incorrectly (and as a consequence, has an impact on part of the body not close or covered by the swimsuit).
You can either show all currently used morphs on Genesis 8 including the hidden ones and see if a morph has a name related to the glove, or if you still have the archive of these glove, look if there is a 'DAZ 3D' directory inside the 'data' directory and more specifically, look if there is something inside this directory (if the directory doesn't exist, as far as I know, it means there is no morph applied to the Genesis figure):
'/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs'
Thanks Elor, I'm going to check that out. I did send a PM to the artist, but now I know where to look for myself.
These are some of the best MMA style gloves I've found so hopefully I can sort this out.
Well, this has a happy ending- the artist was made aware of the issue and had revised the product. Turns out I missed the update. The new version completely solves the issue.