10% Discount Coupon from Refunds

I was putting in a request for a refund and saw that in "Refund Method" you can choose "10% Off Coupon for Future Purchase". How exactly does this work? If I am requesting refunds for 3 separate items (from 3 different orders), would I get 3 coupons? Or would I just get one for the whole refund request? Do these coupons expire?
Thanks for any information you can give.
Post edited by danmast94 on
Have not encountered that option yet myself, I normally just ask for "store credit" back into my account.
Unless you're planning a purchase that would make that 10% coupon worth it ;-)
3 refund requests from 3 separate orders are normally [AFAIK] best done with 3 separate tickets.
As to how long such a coupon would last, I don't know. Maybe somebody else who has received one can tell us.
n.b. coupons usually have a slew of conditions on how or what they can be applied.
I've selected that option a few times. Never actually received a coupon - just store credit. Even the first time I selected it, I had "nah, the item was a couple bucks and they'll just know I'll use it on a hundred bucks cart" foremost in my thoughts.
Thanks for the advice. I literally had the same thought that 10% off a cart wasn't something they'd give out on a couple of dollars refund. So either they'd give it out depending on the size of the refund, or it would have a million conditions and restrictions. I think I'll just get the normal store credit.