Converting "Other" File Formats to Work in DAZ Studio



  • FauvistFauvist Posts: 2,152

    Artini said:

    I have imported many FBX files directly to the latest Daz Studio Public (Beta)

    and besides applying manually maps to the slots of the shader in Daz Studio

    all works as expected.

    You need to have a high quality assets in FBX format of course,

    otherwise is as "garbage in, garbage out".


    For what software program was FBX created?  How are the textures/materials/shaders imported for the FBX model?  Do you just "import" it into a scene, then save it as something?  What do you save it as?

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561

    Softimage_Graphic_Artist said:


    I Built this model in Maxon ZBrush; textures worked in Adobe Photodhop. You can send reight into your DAZ (GUI)

    ZBrush and Photoshop are 2 good software programs that could take care of any model issueI use the all the time.

    Substance Painter also is a good texture software program to use. All of which can be imported into DAZ Studio .

    Which softwares are useful for asset creation isnt really the topic at hand.  You can also do all of that stuff in Blender, which is free, so not sure why that's absent from your list.

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561

    Fauvist said:

    Artini said:

    I have imported many FBX files directly to the latest Daz Studio Public (Beta)

    and besides applying manually maps to the slots of the shader in Daz Studio

    all works as expected.

    You need to have a high quality assets in FBX format of course,

    otherwise is as "garbage in, garbage out".


    For what software program was FBX created?  How are the textures/materials/shaders imported for the FBX model?  Do you just "import" it into a scene, then save it as something?  What do you save it as?

    FBX file format has multiple different types. Daz recently improve FBX import so it can load different types of FBX "properly".  It wont be fool proof.  You can try to import fbx into scene and then check if it loaded all textures.  Fbx isnt a universal bridge for Daz Studio.

    Regards to saving. You have multiple options.  Mostly simply, you can just save them as a scene or scene subset, but note this will embed all the data in the scene or scene subset preset.  If you can be bothered, you can save them as figure/prop assets to one of your content libraries first - this will save the data to your content library of choice. Note that texture references will be direct paths unless the textures are in your content library runtime folder.  So if you are calling the texture files from some random location on your hardrive, you can never move those texture files or you will break the texture references in your preset.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited January 27

    Below is a test iray render of some Quixel props imported as FBX to Daz Studio. Olympia 9 added for reference.

    Each prop was saved as a scene subset, so I can easily place it anywhere in the scene in Daz Studio.

    1920 x 1200 - 420K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    The main benefit to importing .FBX models over .OBJ is they are usually rigged. So since it looks ike the FBX import has improved, does it import rigging also?

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    There is a tutorial on YouTube

    Import any model into Daz (easy) Daz


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    ... and one more tutorial:

    FBX to Daz Studio Tutorial | Daz3D Tips


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    How to import .OBJ files to Daz Studio:

    Import OBJ files into Daz with Textures (Short Version)


  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404

    The FBX tutorial is out of date, as it does not use the latest version, and so all the FBX files tried in the video fail. They end up importing via obj. The FBX importer in the latest version of DS is much better, and may work with the samples in the video. I have imported a fair few fbx files over the last few weeks, and the majority worked fine.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited February 1

    Yes, I know the tutorials are pretty old, but I could not find any recent ones.

    Still do not know, how to import from Blender as FBX, textured .GLB model.

    In Blender it shows up colored, but when I import FBX to Daz Studio it is mostly white.


    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited February 1

    This prop materials has only Base Color map after import to Daz Studio as .FBX.

    Its render in Daz Studio looks great for me, so again high quality of the meshes and materials

    are important for the view in DS. Background added in the Gimp.

    FilaToon render (without any conversion) in Daz Studio:

    Iray render (materials converted to iray) in Daz Studio:

    1200 x 1200 - 695K
    1200 x 1200 - 712K
    Post edited by Artini on
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