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Actually - on loading him up, the proportions don't look too bad at all.
No, I don't.. First, offices have some of the most conservative of dress codes so that, if you are a decade off and male , people barely comment. Could I see these on a young musician on stage or at the MTV awards, sure. It should be noted that clothes for fashion shows are really unusual; they are often made just for thsat occasion, are purely in sample sizes, and are held together with tape and safety pins. They are often almost completely hand sown and may exist only as two or three copies. Nonetheless, it helps if you keep the famous Devil Wears Prada cerulean scene in mind.
I would have to look 'Devil Wears Prada' up first. I am serious when I say I haven't seen TV, movies or other entertainment since the mid-90s. An hour drive to and from work to my home, and another drive same distance for a movie, and exhaustion and no energy to try to keep up with video tapes, and then I bought a house. No time or money after that.
Well, here is a nice summary of the scene and a clip if you are curious:
Bringing this full circle, Lucas 9 reminds me of the actor, Dylan O' Brien.
You are aware that you're writing those words on the internet, right?
Okay! So I was finally able to do a couple renders. I did a base form with him, pretty nice actually. The HD details look very good. And I made a female version. Here's what I did:
Removed Lucas body and reset all size sliders. Applied Base Feminine and Petite Goddess body (gratuitous, I know, but it helps achieve the frame). Applied Ashley 9's eyelashes, increased lip size (70% lower, 32% upper), reduced nose size (-24.5%), made face rounder (44.2%) and applied Face Transfer Female Fix (30%). The makeup is 01 of Mira 9's set. The eyebrows belong to CJ Sage. The only thing I couldn't find a fix for was the actual skin.
The HD details for the stubble are just baked into it(which is a nice style choice) but doesn't achieve the look I wanted. So I went with Tara 9's skin (fitting for my earlier comment).
I'm still tweaking it but I enjoy what I have so far.
I think your image violates TOS on nudity. Square patch pasted over parts is not accepted.
Oh, is that why my posts get deleted? All my anatomy books are very correct :D
The hair is excellent - - but non-posable and nil dforce as far as I can tell (for those of us that like to do dramatic, wind-swept scenes that might be a problem, but I imagine that type of hair style doesn't move around too much). I like the stubble. The body has the standard Gen9 stampy texture if you zoom in too close. (Big jpeg attached if you want to click through).
My usual Gen9 grumbles with red legs and the limb muscles don't appear to bunch, but he seems ok otherwise. I like the rib detail. It's nice to have a slim male character.
I'll defs keep him. It's nice to have a few younger male characers
If you haven't logged in for a while it might be worthwhile seeing if you have the 40% off welcome back voucher.
Test renders with the HD and I swapped the eyebrows out (both are from the standard genesis 9 set)
Wow, great renders!
He does look very English as Catwoman said, I forget her forum name. Or German as my 7th Grade German teacher looks a lot like this Lucas character. I guess if he's still in the Premier Rotation I will pick him up with my coupon, if something I like better doesn't come out in between, as I've already spent my coupon this month, plus bought the Astaroth 9 HD bundle. Too much cash flowing out to DAZ, so I will have to budget a $40 cap each month. I still have 3 of those 5 new Dog 8 breeds to buy. Patience I guess is in order.
Fantastic renders!
I no longer work and I am retired. While I am loosing mobility, I am not yet considered handicapped. My computers have been at first for business only, but appropriated by my son when he visited and used to go to gaming sites where he got them infected with crap. Finally he moved on, we both went to laptops. But exhaustion still took its toll in the 90s, 00s, early teens. Working all day on a computer, coming home to one is not fun sometimes. Same as answering a 800 number has me hating phones now.
Thanks! Yeah, he definitely looks British to me. I like the skin and the overall style of the clothing added with the bundle, too. I have a shortage of dedicated male characters so this was a good buy for me. I used my free bundle coupon on the character bundle and bought the add-on with it, used 8 tokens and paid $16.89. I was debating whether or not to wait until next week but by then, that new bundle might not interest me and I possibly couldn't use the promotions to reduce the add-on bundle for Lucas. So yeah, went with it!
I love your renders, especially the first two. He looks so natural and alive. Cool! - Oh no, is the leg hair baked in? That would be such a pity ...
It sure is. In the year 2025 we still have to deal with this.
Oh nooooo ... I bought him already. Maybe I'll try and swap the body tex for someone else's then ... Thanks for letting me know anyways. This prevents the huge disappointment I would have had when finally rendering him myself otherwise.
Yeah the hair is baked in. That was my issue with the skin with my female rendition. I would have loved to use his skin but went with Tara's instead
I see, I thought it was because of the stubble only. Well, I'll just have to try and find a matching body skin because I do like the face texture. A pity really, to make the set so inflexible, especially for a G9 character. Thanks for getting back!
Yeah I didn't realize it until I got it too-the baked in hair isn't awful but I like the idea of having the customization with it because it just makes the skin less usable. But hey I like the face and will use the skin for non closeups or if I want that stubble look
I like him also, and since I'm going to use him as a guy, the leg hair isn't an issue for me.
Yeah! I like him too. The hair is only an issue for the kind of stuff I was doing. And it's easily fixable too
Also if you want your guy to shave his legs, which I'm planning for this one.
I feel like it can't be easy for PAs to find male photo references without leg hair. I've never seen them. So I think it's a big ask, unless you'd be happy with them using female photo references for male legs. Which, personally, I wouldn't be.
Hook them up to a vand der Graaf generator and photo the skins flat on, so as to look down the shafts of the hairs?
Is the French Crop hair supposed to be strand based? Are there supposed to be settings for it? I ask because I use a different renderer and I need to be able to make the lines visible in the viewport as well as having control of the line quality.
Was someone making a photo reference from you when your fur felt funny?
Look at bodybuilders, pro wrestlers, and swimmers off the top of my head. There's plenty of dudes out there with no hair on their legs.
Add pro cyclists to the list.
And, at least in my case, pole dancers.