A mess of a skin mod product

Not even sure if the post is right here. I am irritated by the lack of rating products and / or contacting creators for bug fixes or other issues.
I have recently aquired the product Imperfectly Perfect Blemishes for Genesis 9. It has no instructions but it should be plug and play.
You apply the shader for the effect you want (say Acne) and then you choose from 3 types of skin and apply the material.
Now since there is no documentation, I wanted to see what it does. Basically it unlock certain function in your shader (may bepend on the shader you are using) and the applies some LIE. The problem is, theses LIE are all over the place: color map, bump and normal map, sss, etc... God forbid you want to reset to prevoius values. There is no such option given in the product and not I am left with hunting LIEs and subtle changes to my shaders.
I really wish delevopers would put more effor into their products.
And I really wish that solving issues with the seller would be as easy as on any other platform.
Undo if you haven't made fiurther changes you wish to keep, or reapply the base materials (most characters will have materials and shaping presets, as well as the fuill character preset).
Hi Richard. That is what I ended up doing. I also raised a ticket with Daz Support and was reimbursed.
The idea would be to offer some constructive feedback so that the vendor can update the product, not necessariry that I get my 3$ back.
Hoping for better times
The trouble is that undoing the applciaiton of layered images seelctively (the user might have other layered images applied that they want to keep) isn't a matter of applying a preset.