Dformer field... How to find it easily?

Usually when I create a Dformer, I have trouble locating the true position of the field. The base is easy enough to find as it has a nice little on-screen widget... but the actual field? Sometimes it can take me 20 mins to locate the actual field. It's universal tool is easy enough to locate, but it rarely seem to be close to where the center of the field itself is located. I have to move the universal tool around a lot until I finally see the field gridlines on the object I am working on. Is there an easy way to identify the location of the field?
If you have the target selected, it should be obvious when you add the D-Former if you are looking at it. If not, select the targeting reticule to either Frame or Aim. Note that if using a figure of some kind, be sure to add the D-Former before adding any poses, the D-Former field will be at the neutral position, offset from the posed position.
1) You can change the Draw Style of D-Former Field to Wirefream or Solid to make it more prominent.
2) Small Scale of the field will make it sink inside to its Parent. Select the node of D-Former Field, press Ctrl + F to frame it to the center of Viewport. In case you still cannot see it, set a value 2000 in its Scale, you should find it ~~
3) No matter there's a pose or not on the target Figure / Prop, the initial position when loading D-Former field is calculated based on the center of the target Figure / Prop's bounding box, so it should be easy to locate the field.
Ty, I'll try those things... I usually try scaling it up and then moving it with the universal tool until I see the grid work...
Well, I have tried these suggestions and the draw style helps a bit. Looks like I was already scaling up the field as well, usually to nearer 5000. I'm still having issues with some items and it seems random. Sometimes the field is where the item is, and sometimes not. Even with a 5000% scale, it can take some time to actually locate the field and place it over the item to be DFormed. because the actual field is far away from the outline field shown on screen. Anyone know what is happening here?