3D Universe - Monster in my Cupboard Hide Wings request

Hello all,
Does anyone know if there was a "Hide Wings" morph for the figure (https://www.daz3d.com/monsters-in-my-cupboard) created by anyone to the hide the wings? Tis figure is perfect for an application i need them for, with exception to the wings.
Post edited by MJ007 on
Have you tried dialing the wings size and/or length to 0
Yes. Just makes the wings small.
Have you tried to remove them with the Geometry Editor tool?
Unfortunately, i still use an older version of DS and the tool designed for that (Figure Setup Tools i believe its called), i never learned how to use.
I assume it is rigged. And if so you should be able to clcik the eye icons for the wing bones in the scene tab.
Unfortunately, they are not. Remoing them in the scene tab is not an option.
If your DS is really old it may still be called the Polygon Group Editor. It's in the Tools menu, anyway.
That option isnt present in my tools menu of my DS version.
Maybe you should tell us WHICH DS version you use?!?
2.3? Help>About Daz Studio will give the fille version number - 2.3.x.x is a beta only version, if that is correct; 2.5.x.x was the move to a general release.
I thought DS3 was the next version.
Those lil guys have been on my wishlist for so long! I hope I can get them someday if I can catch them on sale when I have some extra money to spend! lol They are really cute (as is so much of 3DUniverse's stuff!).
If you have a modeling program (Hexagon is free as is Blender) it shouldn't take long to create a no-wings morph for them. :)
Sorry, I was thiunking you were on 4.3. I havea feeling that the Figure Setup tools didn't arrive until DS 3, they would be a (possibly no longer sold) commercial item if not.
there's always Poser7 if you have it
otherwise editing the geometries obj could work saving the original with.bak after it, if its a Poser obz file, Propviewer can convert it I think or extracting it with 7zip
Can you try dialing them to -1 or -100%(you may need to unlock the parameters to make a minimum value less than zero)?
No worries.
I think i perhaps do. But if push come to shove, I know i have Hexagon, i may just have to dust it off and get my hands dirty.
Lowest values are -.50 amd unlocking and removing limits in the Parm tab has zero effect. No option allows me to reduce those values any further.
UPDATE: I ended up just making an Opacity map for the wings and added some "bone spurs" to cover up the hole the map made and done.
Works for me!!! Thanks everyone.