A Love to Remember expression mismatch?

in The Commons
Question about an apparent expression mismatch for A Love To Remember Romantic Couple Poses (https://www.daz3d.com/a-love-to-remember-romantic-couple-poses-for-genesis-9-and-8) which I purchased yesterday.
Loaded it through DIM, went into the content listing People/Genesis 9/Espressions/3D Sugar/A Love to Remember, but there was an additional sub-folder titled "Coast Heroes" and all the expression poses are labeled as "ALTR Coast Heroes [individual expression name]" -- see partial screenshot below.
Is this functioning as intended? It seems... weird.
I can't get into the readme's atm to check if the files list is correct or not.
The files list does include a Coast Heroes directory:
The 'ALTR' in their name stands for A Love To Remember.
The readme has information about them too:
Having said that, ALTR is supposed to have 15 expressions, so even if the 10 included are intended to be in ALTR, 5 expressions are missing.
Do the poses load with expressions as said on the product page ? If they do, you can compare the expressions loaded with the poses with the ones from the Coast Heroes directory.
Sorry for delay, will check as soon as I'm able. Youngest kiddo's been extra high maintenance the last couple days and I haven't been able to get on the computer to Daz.