Looking to potentially commission a PA for a product...

Heya, not real sure where this should go. Hoping it fits into this category. I'm hoping to find a PA who is willing to be commissioned for an asset set. I'm happy to pay a reasonable amount to contribute to its creation. PA can retain ownership and the ability to market the product on Daz, Renderosity, or whatever marketplaces they choose to. I am in need of an updated set of hospital props, with morphs and preferably HD for working with the mesh. Of significant importance to me in the new set would be ventilator and monitoring type equipment. Tubes, hoses, machines, the oxygen masks, etc etc etc. IV bags would be nice as well, maybe with materials for different fluids and morphs for the fluid levels changing (full > empty).
If interested and able to make high quality assets, preferably with an existing library of assets produced, let's have a discussion!
You can contact 3D Universe (aka 3DU) about your request if you pay him what it considered standard in the 3D modeling industry he still takes commissions when he has the time as far as I know.