Genesis 8 female poses on Genesis 9?

in The Commons
Is there a way the get Genesis 8 female poses to work on Genesie 9? I have seen a 9 to 8 converter ,but will it work in the other way?
I have a lot of custom G8F poses saved that I would like to use on G9.
They are various paid products do to that, either from Zev0 or RiverSoft Art.
There is also free converters like this one by @n_alexandru:
If you're new to using poses converters, after a conversion, a pose will likely have to be adjusted regardless of the converters you're using (I have no idea if some converters are better than others), especially between figures which have a different base shape like Genesis 8 and Genesis 9.
There's also this one:
Not as useful as nalexandru's one because it needs G8 to be loaded so the pose can be transferred to G9, but it can do expressions that are formed from posed facial bones.
One option would be the freebie by richardandtracy which seems to work nicely, as the comments say. I haven't used it, because I wait for the G9>G8 version, but my experience with the other poses transfer scripts by them are very positive.
@maikdecker - thanks for reminding me that the script is on my 'to do' list.
Oooops.. sorry
Thanks for the help, I bough one of the paid products and works pretty good.