Creating "too many" lights causes DAZ to freeze

I've got an ongoing problem with my copy of DAZ- it only lets me create a handful of lights in a scene before it freezes up. I'm NOT rendering when this happens, just creating a new light to position. The problem is erratic, but I can generally make only about five lights of any type before it hits. DAZ doesn't crash completely, just freezes up. The only thing it will let me do is quit out of the program. When I do that, I get a generic "Program has encountered a problem" message.
I can load up an old scene with lots of lights, assembled before the problem started, and it will render just fine, as long as I don't try to adjust the lights. If I do start adjusting, some of the existing lights will work, but inevitably, clicking on one of them causes the freeze. Trying to delete an individual light can also trigger it, but I can use the "Delete all the lights at once" command with no problem.
I'm still using Windows 10, with a fairly low-powered computer. So yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the solution is "get a new computer". Thanks for any advice or other ideas.
Do you have any light-management tools installed?
I don't think so, is there some place in the program I can see if I do?
Check Help>About Installed Plug-ins
Right. Don't see anything that looks like it has to do with lights.Thanks for your help, though.