is Current Daz build ready for RTX5090?

in The Commons
I don't see this posted anywhere, so if anyone knows I'd be appreicated. If current Daz version is not supporting RTX5090 yet, then when can we expect it to happen? FYI UE4/5 and blender already see good speed boost over RTX4090.
My RTX5090 PC will delivered on feb 9th, so I'd like to find out.
Iray is likely to be the issue, and no one knows - unless someone has purchased, fitted, and tested a card. There have in fact been a number of threads on the new cards, asking just this question among others.
Understood, I guess I will be one of the first few to post updates... but if anyone knows better on iray issues, software/driver compatiblity issues on the new cards, it should be DAZ's dev team, no?
My gut feeling is : it'll work ~~ I'm waiting for your brand-new tests !
not even got a single minor win even in Xlotto in a year or I would buy a PC with one
if I got a big win
This is the Year of Snake. You'll be getting much luckier.
With that Paperlaunch nvidia did.. impossible to get one and test out..
Someone just wanted to brag about getting an 5090 eh?
Unfortunately, RTX 5090 are not supported at this point, nothing renders (I'm using latest drivers).
2025-02-01 17:19:41.743 [WARNING] :: \src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(373): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: Cannot render: found no usable devices. Please update your NVIDIA driver ( to at least 537.13, or enable CPU rendering.
2025-02-01 17:19:41.743 [ERROR] Iray :: Invalid parameters (NULL pointer).