After Two Years, I Finally Did It!

Not 100% DAZ related, but I finally finished my novel after two years. Next stop: editing, more editing, beta readers, agent querying, publishing (traditional, indie, or self).

The main reason I got back into DAZ was to bring my characters to life. I'm terrible at drawing, but I'm a very visual person. So, it helps my imagination become a bit more tangible. I've seen a few people use DAZ as book covers, and I'm wondering if I should go down that road as well. Or even start up an Instagram page, and give little snippets of character design.

Anyway, just wanted to share the good news (with a bunch of strangers, lol). DAZ is a great tool for those who can't draw. Glad I fell back into it!


  • MissLeahMissLeah Posts: 80

    Congratulations! That must feel super satisfying. Writing a book is such a labor of love and it's so deeply personal. It's scary to put all your thoughts and ideas into a tangible form and even scarier to release them into the world. Now that the easy part is done... laugh I wish you all the luck in getting the rest sorted out. That honestly is the hard part. I agonize far more over the stuff that comes after than writing the book.

    I got into Daz to create my characters too. And I do use it to create my covers. I'm actually embarking on a project this year to redo my older, photo composite covers with Daz rendered ones. I also like to render out certain scenes which are so vivid in my head as I write them. It's really cool to be able to make them come to 'life'.

    Congratulations again and thanks for sharing! It makes me so happy to see the excitement of a fellow author. There really is no better feeling than creating something that means so much to you, and that goes for any kind of artistic endeavor. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    Oh how cool! Congratulations! I hope you post a link to where we can check it out (when you're ready to release it into the wild! LOL).
  • joannajoanna Posts: 1,620

    Congratulations! Finishing a book is not a small feat. (Ask me how I know, lol.)

    I also got into Daz because of my writing, and after 3 years of learning both the software and the postwork, I was happy to finally be able to create my own book cover. (I love my designer who did my previous 7 books, but there's something special about making a cover yourself for a special project.) While I don't need visual aid for writing alone, it's fun to create character art and images to share with others.

    Best of luck in your chosen path toward publishing!

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    I think it's really cool to create renders of characters and places that you're writing about. It might be a help in keeping descriptions accurate as possible and helps solidify people and places better in the world you're writing about. I have often collected images from Pinterest that remind me of my characters and how they look or act, but it's great to be able to CREATE those reference images in Daz Studio! It's a great tool for many types of creative work!
  • paulawp (marahzen)paulawp (marahzen) Posts: 1,470
    edited February 4

    Congrats! Yay you! I too got into Daz because I can't draw and wanted to visualize characters, so I can totally relate.

    Best of luck on the road ahead!

    Post edited by paulawp (marahzen) on
  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,207

    Congratulations! And good luck sorting out the business end of things. That, to me, has always been the worst part. The writing, even when it was frustrating, I at least enjoyed as a creative process. The logistics is just frustrating and necessary and takes time away from writing.

  • Write IdeaWrite Idea Posts: 325

    Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement, and sharing your experiences. I've looked over all of your artwork and novels. I wish you all the best of luck as well! Your art is encouraging and your words are inspiring. The editing will be daunting, the querying will be frustrating, and the rejection will be heartbreaking. Yet, it must be done. I read there is a 1 in 6000 chance of getting an agent. Even after that, there is no guarantee that the book will get picked up. And even if it does, it might not sell well. If I go through all those hurdles, I will still have to promote my own book, because its so rare that publishing houses do it themselves.

    And through it all, I still want this story to be told (and liked, lol).

    Years ago, I remember reading, "You can't consider yourself a true writer until you plaster one wall with rejection letters."

    Thank you again! All of you are wonderful artists. Never stop sharing your gifts with the world.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333


  • Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,767

    Write Idea said:

    Not 100% DAZ related, but I finally finished my novel after two years. Next stop: editing, more editing, beta readers, agent querying, publishing (traditional, indie, or self).

    The main reason I got back into DAZ was to bring my characters to life. I'm terrible at drawing, but I'm a very visual person. So, it helps my imagination become a bit more tangible. I've seen a few people use DAZ as book covers, and I'm wondering if I should go down that road as well. Or even start up an Instagram page, and give little snippets of character design.

    Anyway, just wanted to share the good news (with a bunch of strangers, lol). DAZ is a great tool for those who can't draw. Glad I fell back into it!


    This sounds like me - I was working on a novel (got as far as 'book 2') a few years back but had to put it on the back burner to work a 2nd job. Things are settling down more now so I've got back into it. As I'm re-reading and editing, I'm enjoying my own story as a reader ;)

    While I got into Daz before I started writing, like you one of my main uses since I started writing has been trying to visualise characters and settings (I also can't draw).

    I'll echo Diva - post when it's out there so we can read it :)

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Congrats :)

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Great ! Congrats ! yes

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Very cool!

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,514

    Bravo! I hope your book will be a great success. 

  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 586

    Congrats!! Don't forget to share a link with us so we can support you!!

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