Elena 9

Well, we got the bundle today and it's not bad. Not bad at all. I picked them both up. Here's a couple portrait shots and a comparison between both her normal figure (she is quite voluptuous) and the slender figure. Her skin is really impressive. Not a fan of the Pigtails but the Megan Straight Hair is very nice.

Elena 1.jpg
1650 x 1497 - 1M

Elena 2.jpg
1650 x 1497 - 1M

Elena 3.jpg
1650 x 1497 - 557K
Post edited by NetherFalcon on
Yes she's not bad. The one I'm missing is an extra morph for non attached earlobs.
Lol, didn't someone mention rendering Lucas 9 and CJ 8 together? Now that we have miss Flo we can recreate the hottest celebrity goss of 2022 in its entirety.
and if you didn't understand a word I just said... don't worry, darling. I can assure you, it truly doesn't matter.
Thanks OrangeFalcon for this early review! Of the two, I'm glad the "normal" figure is the shorter, more voluptuous one. I'm definitely interested in Elena 9; one of the most intriguing characters I've seen in quite a while.
I like the Megan Straight Hair. There aren't too many straight hair options out there that aren't over-volumized. This one looks like something a "regular" person, not a super-model might style there hair as. Toyen's dForce Long Hair is another example.
I just wish someone would make a hairstyle like this but with part to the side and not always in the middle.
So after decades of conservatism, where no nudity is allowed, now there is BDSM supplies? Yuck. I like the add-on bundle and her tall slender shape much better than the short original one and her face is very generic, she would definitely not stand out in a crowd. The pigtails are really cute and the Midnight Lingerie is gorgeous. I like the add-on bundle much better than the main one (same with Ashley--they put the better stuff in the non-free bundles, but I'm not Premier anyway.) I like the "straight hair" that is actually wavy but nowhere near as much as Linday's. I put both bundles in my wishlist and will wait for them to be on mega sale.
A beef I have with several, many, actually, characters sold here is that the nails look way older than the character. Why do these younger characters have granny nails with ridges? These poor women don't get enough nutrition lol?
I quite like her. Here she is with her brother (blended with Thomas 9) .
I like that her face isn't glamorized, if that makes sense. She went on my WL just for that, even though I don't have a character need that matches her at the moment.
I agree with everything you said. The nails stood out to me when working on my portrait render and I didn't think too much of it until later. I'd also like better baseline nails but at least the polish can act as a workaround.
Will turning off the nails' normals fix it?
This is a weird place to learn I might not be healthy, are you not supposed to have very noticible ridges on your nails lol?
Not really, the fingernails are one of the indicators that something is wrong in your health. I had Graves Disease and my thyroid was oblated twice. I have to be monitored with blood tests for my TSH levels routinely. My fingernails, along with hair falling out/breaking off, blurred eyesight, spasms in my hands, distraction, insomnia, and a whole host of minor things let an observant doctor, PA, or nurse know something needs to be looked in to. When I am balanced, my fingernails are smooth and don't break or chip easily. And high stress levels can make my TSH levels go nuts. Those fingernails in the picture look odd to me.
Now that I'm home again, and the Premier shape was released, I have a comparison with Elena and the Eden form. She's tall and muscular, height like the slender form, but built like a warrior. It's okay-it's easy to do a morph to look like her so it's not critical if you don't have Premier.
Wow, I didn't know you were (and are) going through all that. You're always such a positive and uplifting soul in the forum - knowing that you're going through so much and still taking the time to be kind and supportive of others, I just wanted to say THANK YOU!
I don't have the product, that was a screenshot from the promo. Maybe someone else could try? Easy enough to fix with a nail polish or even blurring in post but still I wonder why Daz (and many PAs) can't use a better texture resource or blur the texture themselves in Photoshop.
Wow. Hope you are doing better now! In August I tripped and had an epically embarrassing major pratfall and fractured seven bones in my foot and twisted my ankle causing a lot of damage in tendons, ligaments and nerves and am now in physical therapy (and down to one crutch instead of two, yay!) and for many months my toenails on that foot did not grow at all. It looks like they are finally starting to grow a bit but it's clear that whatever is going on in your body will affect your nails.
Thanks for the comparison render! It does confirm that the Eden character's form can pretty much be made wtih morphs. Elena is looking good!
A flog, fuzzy cuffs, a leash, and a love hotel as parts of DAZ-branded bundles? DAZ certainly seems to have done a complete 180 in the last year or so, but so much of the clothing has been barely disguised bondage gear as of late that I suppose it was inevitable... not that I'm complaining. There's nothing spectacular about the new character herself, of course, and It's not like I need yet another generic caucasian female base... but since the figure bundle's eligible for the Prem coupon, with 8 points I could get both main bundles and two of the texture sets for under $22 total, it was a pretty painless decsion to pick up the whole shebang.
Not interested in the bundles, but Elena herself is nice enough.
Sorry to the Daz artists who worked on her, but this lady didn’t end up to my taste. The sculpt felt doughy and I can't get her to render realistic enough to use for reference, whic I also noticed with the promo pictures. Her lips don't look right to me. The materials aren't the higher end of quality or different enough from others I already have (Zahara, Cheyenne... although Elena is more orange). Glad she's finding a home with others.
I liked alken's men version.
Rendered next to Ashley, then with some eyebrows I borrowed from HID Kana.
Big versions attached
All that bondage stuff caused me not to even look but now from these renders in this thread I think I will get her with my March coupon.
Here's a male version with her, too. I took Mateo 9, morphed his head to 50% and did 100% Elena and it looks pretty good
Thank you. I have learned to live with it since the late 80s. It was high blood pressure that caught it at the dentist. I do get mood swings, depression. Twitter is where I let that version of me out. You guys are my happy place.
But if there is anything I can pass on to anyone, is keep an eye yourself, your friends and family. You may notice something they just think is a quirk or aging. Get it checked out.
Whatever you do, don't give up on your physical therapy. I have had it for my lower back, a complex meniscus tear in my knee (twice), frozen shoulder, and a major surgery. I did and I am finding it really hard to get back into my exercises again.
One thing I learned about nails, if you are cleaning with chemicals and have any kind of skin tear or damage around the nails, WEAR gloves. I didn't last March and the nail on one hand is totally messed up. It may take another year before it even starts to look half-way normal. Right now it is more like a battlefield.
Epic falls are me. Glad to know I am not alone. But please don't do it again. We both know it hurts. I am lucky that my martial arts training in how to fall has helped me avoid a lot of more serious injuries (except the knee versus concrete). Be very careful as you improve to not try something your body is not ready for.