Persona vs scene subset?

in The Commons
I'm confused about this Persona thing. I often save characters with their hair and clothes as a scene subset. How is a Persona different?
You can check in here:
Added support for Persona Preset
Saving is similar to saving a Scene Subset, except limited to a single selected figure
Selected figure must be a root level node (i.e., cannot be parented) during save
Objects in the node hierarchy of the selected figure are optionally included (are included, by default)
Pose of the selected figure is recorded
DSON file type is “persona”
Content Type is “Actor/Persona”
Default relative save path is “/Presets/Personas”
Loading is similar to other asset types in some ways, and unique in others
Loading with a compatible figure selected
Holding [Ctrl/Cmd] provides “Control Freak” loading options
Replaces the selected figure, and its node hierarchy, with the Persona
Copies the pose/position of the selected figure to the Persona
Loading with no compatible figure selected
Provides no loading options - behaves similarly to loading a Scene Subset
So the only difference is that you can replace a character in a scene with a persona, rather than delete it and load a scene subset. Doesn't seem really all that useful TBH.
Yup, mostly agreed.
I have multiple versions of some of my characters. Would this allow me to swap out one version for another using the pose and clothing of the previous version?
As near as I can tell, it's nothing that you can't do with scene subsets already, and since Persona is currently tied to being a Premier member, one has to factor in whether it will become widespread enough in use for PAs to develop extensions for it. The one future use that I can think of that DOES excite me would be if a Persona could be pulled up without having to do a full-load of all the non-used character and posing morphs in your system for that figure base in the manner that TurboLoader currently does. If it could do that, while also adding specific clothing, jewellery and skin shader settings, then it could be an enormous timesaver. As it is, I'm not seeing any real improvement over what we currently have with subsets...
Persona feels like a supercharged and easier to set character preset, which feels great if you're regurlarly reusing the same character. Character presets are a pain to save and while you can add a lot to them, I don't know if you can add clothes and some changes on the skins are not saved in character presets according to advices by V3Digitimes, only in scenes and scene subsets.
Hopefully, these change will be able to be saved inside Persona presets, making it the easiest and most useful way to save a character someone is reusing a lot.
As far as the system is explained (I have yet to test it), yes for the pose, no for the clothes: there doesn't seem to be a way to keep the clothes of the previous character.
What can do that is character preset, which allows you to replace the figure and only the figure (but they can be painful to create and I don't know if you can save clothes with a character preset).
I don't get why you and Snowsultan are speaking about Premier: Persona is a feature available to anyone.
It's neither a 'Premier Early Access Features'/'Premier Early Access Perk' nor 'Premier Members Only', it's an 'Updates for All'.
With older DS version, you can only load a Persona Preset i.e. just like loading a Scene Subset ( actually its DSON is mainly a Subset )...but you're not able to load pose / clothing on a figure by using Load Option dialogue (Ctrl + Load)
You can add various Wearables and their Material Presets when saving Character Presets by using the built-in Post-Load script ... only that'll be cumbersome. Persona Presets make it much easier and can further load a Post-Load script as well.
I like the Persona better as it's going to allow better bookkeeping for creating character libraries. Now if they would do similar for scenes, lighting, cameras, and non-human creatures. I know you can do it now but the bookkeeping is no optimal.
Since this isn't a Premier Exclusive or Premier Preview feature the discussion of Premier has been removed.