Here's a suggestion to Daz Staff.

On my YouTube Subscription feed, I saw a video promo for Daz AI ... and I'm left wondering the obvious question.
Why are there no updates for the other programs - like Carrara?
The last update I saw was about 10 years ago - and who knows when Bryce was last updated.
So my suggestion is this...
You don't seem to have any plans to provide regular updates to programs like Carrara, Bryce or Hexagon - so it would be much better for you if you simply put it to the 3D Community as Official Open Source Software.
The 3D Community - especially developers would love to provide regular updates to these programs, to get them up to today's standard.
Learn from the Blender Foundation and see how they continously make money via continous support for Open Source Software.
Start an Open Source Foundation (similar to Blender's Open Source Foundation), announce it to the worldwide 3D community and you'll start gaining support.
Don't just let Carrara and the other porgrams languish in obscurity.
So what do you think of this suggestion guys? Leave your comments below.
Open Source is not free (checking that all licenses for third party code can in fact be made Open source, checking that there is no proprietary code used elsewhere - which cannot be made open source, drawing up the required legal documents) nor a panacea (why would evelopers work on Carrara, with no momentum and a limited audience, rather than Blender?) This is in any event hardly the first thread to make such a suggestion, so it is being locked.