Environment Animating “Error”

in New Users
I am using 10 frames to drop my character into their pose while simulating. Every time I load the "Modern Rustic House" environment it somehow is on a 150 frame timeline with 150 keyframes. By frame 2 the house is out of place. Ive tried deleting all the key frames except for the first but that hasn't worked. How can I load this environment with no keyframes or fix the way it's loading in? I tried another environment and it's loading in with no keyframes as I'm used to so it must be this specific environment. Any clues?
Try selecting all the separate parts of the house and then using Edit>Objhct>Clear Animation>Clear Selected item(s), then save as a Scene Subset and use that to load the product in future. This PA has had a number of products with this issue.
That specific product has the animation. The PA has done that for other products as well.
For me if I deleted all keyframes but the first it worked.
Another option is to go into the duf file and delete all animation data. Just a note, the duf file is large. Uncompressed 44 MB. If doing that I would suggest you first make a copy and rename that, so you can go back to the original if needed (else you could reinstall the product).
If you go for deleting animation coding block in Modern Rustic House.duf, uncompress it first, open it with Notepad++, then delete code lines from 1493013 to 1500534, as well as the comma character at the end of line 1493012. Ctrl +S to save.
ok cool ty I will do this!
good idea I'll check this out ty!
i may not be savvy enough to do this but ill try!! Ty