Import material Daz to blender
One thing I still don't understand with my renderhub character, I can't import the character with her cyborg body into blender, she arrives with the genesis 8 body.
I have to apply the genesis 8 body and then apply the cyborg body, otherwise it doesn't work !
but I can't import it why ? Thank you for your help again
I don't quite understand, what do you mean "have to apply the genesis 8 body and then apply the cyborg body" ?
-First in Daz I put the genesis8 body, then I 2 i go to Marcus and apply the head and in 3 the cyborg body in the materials, then I save my character in files; save as scene
then go to script and export to blender
-in blender I open daz setup / easy Import / on the right in the window I select in the folder where the character is saved the file dbz / in the presets; genesis 8 / I check in the list: Body and I click on Easy Import Daz at the bottom
and i have only the Body
That seems to me just the material on figure's body, so you couldn't see the material in Blender after importing with Diffeomorphic ?
You didnt say what bridge from daz to blender you are using, but it is apparent that you are using Diffeomorphic.
You didnt say what product you are using but it is apparent you are using "Syph and Bodysuit For Genesis 8 Female"
You didnt say if the bodysuit is a geoshell, but based on the product (which i had to google) i can see that it is a geoshell
Information about diffeomorphic geoshells can be found here:
Yes is allright I can't see the material
I had to say all that too yes indeed everything you said is correct! sorry I really need to be more precise ...I try also with the bridge Daz to blender is same of Diffeomorphic I can't see the body ! I will read the link you give to me
Thank you at everyone for your help
Firstly, check if the "body suit material" is a Layered Image on figure's Body surface in DS... like a tattoo. If so, you won't see Layered Images in Blender in Solid Mode even with show texture option, you need to view it in Material Preview or Render Preview mode.
the problem is that i can't see where to look because i haven't seen the body cyborg in any form! and also i haven't: archipack material library
I noticed that products that are not from Daz like Renderhub and Roderosity worked with difficulty or not at all because I have no trouble importing Daz characters with their clothes. But usually is shutbe working but is really difficult to instal ! i mean for me !! is beacause i didon't understand how is working i try to understand ...
No need to compare the UI from my screenshots because I have quite a few add-ons installed that bring different settings in property panes...
Finally, I found the product that used to be sold in this store : If it's the product that you're using ~~ in which the bodysuit is a geo-shell.
As default, Diffeo just imports shell as a material. As I said above, you need to switch to material preview mode or directly go to Shading workspace ~~ I don't have that product but used another geo-shell product as an example. (ss 1 ~ 2)
If you need to have a goe-shell node in Blender, go to Global Settings in Diffeomorphic, set Shell method to Geometry Node... (ss 3) Then you'll have a shell node after importing the scene. (ss 4)
Thanks,sorry I haven't had time to look yet, I'll come back and tell you during the week
I think I did as you said, but it's not easy because the shell doesn't show! At one point I set metal to 1 and it started to display what you see on the arms but it's far from that and in the maps it's everywhere the same G8FbaseTorso, I don't know what you think! I also looked for how to activate a GeoShell on blender I found some interesting stuff but nothing to see!!! In case I'm ready to give you the mehs file with wetransfer
The converted shell seems having no correct settings with shader node in your screenshots.
I tried with another shell clothing product: Easy Pants on G8F. Diffeomorphi converted correctly. What's the version of Diffeo you're using ? I tested with Diffeo version 4.4... but the older versions SHOULD also work IIRC.
I don't know, I think it's the latest version because I'm using the latest version of blender, it's that in the preferences and extensions I don't see difféomorphic, and I remember when I installed it I had seen it! I admit it's too complicated at the beginner stage I'm at, I can't even see which node you're talking about, can I send you the file by wee-transfer? seeing what you'd have done, maybe I'd understand more!
Yea, definitely the node for shell materials is missing. Can you check and post a screenshot of your scene in Daz Studio ? Expande the figure node to check if there's a geo-shell node for the bodysuit in Scene pane?
Besides, press N in Blender to open N-Panel, check the version number of Diffeo.
I made you a screenshot on the right you see the scene pane and then there is at the bottom Syph mech Skin which is deactivated but that is the skin it is not the cyborg body,
And what is Syph Genitalia?
In blender I do not know if it is the version of difeo here, as I told you it is weird before I saw Diffeo in the preferences and extension now I do not see it anymore, moreover I do not have like everyone else a Diffeo tab when I click on N !!
PS; do you see verywell my screenshot ?? because I download my screenshot from the website and is completly blur
The screenshots and the version seem both fine to me...
I have to ask: how many Daz Libraries do you have ? Have you correctly configured the path of the Libraries in Global Settings of Diffeo? especially the library path in which you installed this Syph product ? (check ss1)
If the path is not correctly configured, the shell UV and textures cannot be imported so you have no way to find the shell work ~~
Edit: As for the Diffeomorphic panel you ever saw, we just use SIMPLE TABS add-on to merge the Diffeo Setup and Runtime panels together (check ss2). You can download the free add-on in here:
Ha I didn't think about that at all because I saw the daz library as you can see (V1) actually I have another library (V2) so I should put Syph in my DAz 3D library?
I created a folder in La Library, and tried it, but it still didn't work! (Syph_V3) and (daz_Syph_V4) (ShaderEdit_V5) it's crazy!
In the global parameters I've got a File error and the setting directory is still C:/User.... While everything is in the D, you can see on the photo that the path is D:/Daz 3D Dossier....( V6)
-Thank for the link SimpleTabs
No... you wrongly extracted the product content...You don't need to create new folder or something... You should :
1) Press F2 in DS > Content tab > Content Directory Manager, under Daz Studio Formats, only keep the path: D:/Daz 3D Dossier/Utilisateurs/Public/Documents/My Daz 3D Library. Delete other paths !! Accept.
2) Press F2 again > General tab, Clear DSON Cache Files ! Accept.
3) Extract the content folders of this Syph product to D:/Daz 3D Dossier/Utilisateurs/Public/Documents/My Daz 3D Library Be Noted: you must directly extract: data, People, Runtime folders to the Library, not any sub-folder in the root directory within in the ZIP package !!!
4) In a New Scene, load G8F, load Mech Skin (bodysuit) from the above extracted content folder to G8F. Save the scene and Export to Blender. Import to Blender with Diffeomorphic.
As long as you configure / do each step correctly, it'll work ~~~