I would love to see an easy to use..wrap and unwrap function

I would love to be able to choose a figure (character) and hit a button that says
UNWRAP - it would then port over a copy of the characters skin to PS in a window over
the DAZ work area.
When your done modifying the skin, minimize PS and click WRAP...it then
saves a new copy of your work with the character featuring the modified skin.
ya, there are other ways to do this...I want a EASY way.
This is what the Photoshop bridge is for.
I'm a little confused here. Isn't the UV mapped image exactly that- an unwrapped skin, that you can take into Photoshop and modify?
with bridge I THINK you can port over a toon and use some photo shop stuff on the exterior.
What I want is the entire skin...flat. Then I can use anything..almost .. from PS....
I know you can find the skin file...send it to PS...mess with it...grab same base toon...change skin to your modified
I want to do all that...with 1 button.
I'm picking up Blacksmith 3D later this week -- I'll be testing it in the weeks to come. I'll try to post a few thoughts and mini-review when I can.
lol tried using bridge...the bridge is out....PS (current version) is having issues
go fig
I'd be interested in your comments about it. :)
I would be interested in your expereinces as well, I have been furstrated with the tool. trying to manipluate the model and it did not do very well at seams. The quality of the paint tools was also very frustrating. (this is the most current version of Blacksmith3d for Windows.