Original 'Body Horror' monster for DAZ?

As the title says, I'm looking for a original 'Body Horror' monster for DAZ - something like you'd see in Bloodborne or Resident Evil. I'd offer visual aides, but I don't want to accidentally put people of their meals Do a Google Image search for "body horror monster" and I think you'll get the gist of it.
Most everything I've found so far are fan-art recreations from these aformentioned games, but I'd like (to use) something original Most close I've seen so far are Ravager Parasite for G8.1M and Dark Void Amalgamate by CGbytes. However, the former doesn't take it far enough IMO and the latter is, again IMO, a tad goofy or at least pitiable.
Post edited by Hellwolve on
well, if you liked the Ravager Parasite, I feel like these guys share some of his dna
I have a couple things that could fit somewhat
Though I like the Ravager Parasite as a model, it's not really what I'm looking for. As I mentioned, IMO it doesn't take its 'body horror' aspects far enough. I'm looking for something like this, this or even this.

Regardless, thanks for taking the effort to post a few links
Thanks for taking the effort to post a few links; I'll see if and what I would want to use
If anyone reading this has other great ideas, I'm all ears (eyes)!
Maybe one of my things:
Oso Lupino for Genesis 9 | Daz 3D
Oso Trasgu for Genesis 9 | Daz 3D
Oso Zombie for Genesis 9 | Daz 3D
Raven Mocker HD for Genesis 8 Male | Daz 3D
Stuff by Jolab, including
might work for you. And there's also:
plus some old Sixus models that came across from Runtime DNA:
(I thought there were others, but those are all I can find).
To make them a little more gruesome, you may want to look at some of the shaders available:
I think Herschel Hoffmeyer also has some creatures that might be of interest:
Other creatures (from several PAs):
Powerage has something at the Render*tica store which might work. I don't think I can link it because of the other adult stuff at the store, but here's a pic of it from the promo.