RTX 4090 won't do dforce

in The Commons
I recently upgraded my graphic card to an rtx 4090. Unfortunately, dforce is not working with the new card. Can someone provide a link for a driver for this card that will work with dforce? thanks
It is Iray, not the driver, that is the issue and the fix is either to use Iray Server or to wait for the next major version of DS.
My apologies, I misread the title and thought it was anbother thread about the 50x0 cards.
What does the Advanced tab of Simulation Settings show?
The advanced panel simply lists the 4090 card, no error message. A lot of DAZ people have the 4090, so I'm thinking there must be a driver that fixes it, or maybe they've found some other work-around.
So what happens to run a simulation?
Just for reference, I have no issue running dForce on my RTX 4090
Daz Studio BETA - version
Nvidia Driver version 566.36
Windows 11 Pro (x64) Build 22631.4751 (23H2)
So you saw no draping or sth.with the dforce items after clicing Simulate ? What did you DS log tell then ?
+1 on my 4090 working with dforce. I just tested nvidia studio version 566.14 with DAZ (64bit ) installed and verified it worked for me. I saw my version was outdated, so I updated to latest studio driver (572.15). I was still able to use dForce with my 4090 in Daz.
What version are you using, and do you have issues with all dforce products, or is it a specific item from the store?
Their Nvidia website shows https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/details/232934/ (version 656.90) as the studio driver, but the nvidia app on my PC has a much later version number (release date of Jan 30, 2025). I have studio driver set for my version (not the gaming driver version).
I tried draping a plane over a cube. What happens is the plane never lowers all the way, it simply drops to the top of the cube, bends slightly, but it doesn't drape and it doesn't complete the animation.
Has the plane any divisions?
I tried installing the latest studio driver and it didn't help. Perhaps you have better luck because you're using the beta. Where can I download the beta?
It's not an issue from your 4090 card at all... You gave a wrong setting when creating the primitive plane. To make a plane draping on a cube, you at least need to set 30 division when creating it.
Press Ctrl + 8 to see how many divisions are there on the plane firstly ~~
I tried your suggestion and created a plane with 30 divisions, the plane began to drape very slightly and then it stopped at the middle for the animation and would not complete it.
That sounds like settings - try increasing the time to settle in Simulation Settings.
I found a solution! I installed the beta version DAZ Studio and now dforce works just fine. Thanks to all for helping me figure it out.