Daz After Death

Can a user account be transferred to someone else?
I have been diagnosed with Cancer and currently don't know my life-expectancy.
I have a massive library of content. All of my computer equipment, including the disk holding the Daz content is left to a friend in my will.
Can I transfer the library connection to my account to him? Will the content still be useable otherwise?
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
I am very sorry you are having to deal with this. Thank you for taking the time to make sure everything is handled correctly - however, this is something you would need to ask Sales support, since it would need oficial dispensation, rather than something the forums can give a definitive answer to.
I'd suggest contacting a lawyer and have them review the EULA/TOS to see if it's legal or not.
My armchair non-lawyer opinion, you can transfer it, if you contact daz3d and request the transfer(eula section,Other restrictions)
Asking Daz first will b cheaper than asking a lawyer
sorry to hear this, sending love
Moved to the Commons as it is not a Daz Studio application topic.
I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this!
Sorry about your cancer. Wish you the best.
I am very sorry about your diagnosis. I will keep you in my thoughts.
Wishing you peace and good medical staff on this journey, whatever roads it may take.
@valkan I'm so sorry to hear about your health concerns. Know that no matter what the doctors might say, God has the final say. You are in His hands.
As for your library, I think what others have said is correct - I recommend contacting Daz3D and explaining the situation. I don't know what the policy is when it comes to this type of situation. I don't think they generally allow an account transfer but hopefully they can make an exception in this circumstance.
May the Lord God bless you with healing and strength. I'm sending mental hugs and prayers your way. Please keep us posted. ❤️
I wish you the very best in your fight with your cancer. Please remember to not withdraw from others which is a natural reaction with difficult and uncertain news. If people say I don't know what to say then tell them you are thankful for their acknowledgement and that acknowledgement is enough.
As for your transfer of licence upon your death, unfortunately you do not own your content. You own a licence to use your content. To quote the standard licence agreement:
"User shall not give, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, or otherwise transfer or distribute any Content on a temporary or permanent basis without the prior written consent of DAZ."
You will probably also have to indicate who you will be the transfer recipient of the licences, including their contact information. If you get written consent then make sure to print it out with a copy of the current EULA and have a copy of it stored with your will and other legal documents. Upon completion of your bequest, DAZ will need to be notified in writing of the completion of the transfer of licences. The notice of transfer and the DAZ acknowledgement should also be printed and kept for future legal reference.
I hope this explanation helps.
Valken, so sorry about your situation. I will pray for you and your family. Place your trust in God and he will see you thru any adversity. Jesus always has an answer. I pray he gives you an answer. God bless
Sorry to hear about your condition, and I am hoping for your best, what ever best will be.
I agree, that there should be an "inheritance" solution for DAZ content or even digital content at all, given that most people's content is worth thousends of dollars.
After all it won't be _shared_ content. It still will be one user for one set of content.
All the best and don't give up hopening and fighting, please.
May the good Lord bless and keep you. May the road rise up to meet you.