Paying for a Daz modeler to make a G8F morph

I am in great need of a morph of a roach woman with the roach abdomen and roach wings, and antennae. I need the morph for Genesis 8 Female (definitely NOT G9). I need the head morph slider separate from the body, so I can use it for different characters from my adult/erotic horror games I make. However, I would not mind the head broken into two morphs, one for the top of the head with the big compound eyes and the lower have looking like a roach mouth or off to mimic whatever G8F character morph I have on. Ideally, I would prefer you also make the materials. Please let me know if you are interested and the cost. I am professional and will pay you. See picture below for what I would like you to use as inspiration or a guide.
Example of G8F model that is similiar (but not a roach)

I'm pretty sure you can't make a character like that with morphs only, you'd need extra mesh (probably a geograft) for the abdomen, antennae and wings at least.
We ask that offers of commissions be placed in the Art Studio forum, so I have moved this there.
It would probably be better to create an original figure with that shape than try to hack a Genesis figure into that.
OH ok, thanks, never tried this here before, but after years of putting it out there in Product Suggestions, I still have had no luck. lol
That's fine too. I don't really care if it is even a stand alone, but I need it pretty badly and have for years.
I would beg to differ using @RawArt Wasp Queen as an example:
If I can get a roach like this, I am set. The problem for me is that he moved onto the G9 figures which I do not use since I invested tens of thousands of dollars into G8F. So, i need to hire someone.
The Wasp Queen is actually the perfect example of what I said: the product is not just a morph, the wings, bug back and antennas are geografts.
Oh that's what you meant? Oh ok, yeah whatever it takes, I need a roach.