refreshing third party content

So after installing the Victoria 4 body suit and the Micheal 4 body suit I now have to go through my entire library and refresh every bit of content i had from the other stores that sell daz products. and yes i have tried a mass refreash on the main folder even reinstalled several products and i still have to manually refresh each item even the material folders and the icons in them. I've included screen shots of before and after I refresh an item.

Screenshot 2025-02-17 084725.png
534 x 748 - 93K

Screenshot 2025-02-17 084748.png
545 x 700 - 146K

Screenshot 2025-02-17 084759.png
680 x 779 - 175K

Screenshot 2025-02-17 084822.png
635 x 718 - 144K

Screenshot 2025-02-17 084841.png
571 x 775 - 258K

Screenshot 2025-02-17 084857.png
566 x 755 - 182K
Weird, and not something that has been widely reported.
My apologies - if content does not have metadata, which would be the case for much content from other stores or freebies, then the assets are not created until the folder is accessed - this is for performance reasons.
That's just it I never had this issue until after I installed the Victoria 4 and Michael 4 body suits. Before that all of my third party content worked normally and showed up correctly.