I'm out of disk space, can i move DAZ content to another drive?

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I'm out of disk space, can i move DAZ content to another drive?
I have a C: drive almost full from DAZ content and I have 2TB D: drive which is mostly empty space now.
How do I move the DAZ content to the D: drive and then get DAZ to recognize where the content has been moved to?
I would so much appreciate any help or suggestions.
Copy library directory to empty drive, open DS, press F2 or press Edit => Preferences in the top menu to open Preferences. Select the Content tab, and press the wide button at the bottom marked Content Directory Manager. Set directory for Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats. Restart DS. Check to see that it's working properly. Remove old Daz content folder. If you use DIM, don't forget to go into DIM and update your installation directories. Press the gear icon in upper right corner, select advanced settings => Installation tab to update the directories.
Also take the time to back up your stuff! There are settings and support files located in Users => (your user directory) => AppData => Roaming =>Daz3D . There are also files in Users=> (your user directory) => Documents => Daz 3D . You probably want to make sure all of that is backed up, as well.
There's a couple ways you can do it, but the most simple would be to just copy and paste to the other drive. As for changing the directorys in my Daz Studio and DIM, here's a video that goes throgh the steps:
You can create a folder on your D Drive called My Daz 3D Library and move the same contents from your C into the D.
Then go into DIM and go to Settings and under Installation you can set the new directory.
Finally go into Daz Studio and go to Edit, Preferences, and under the Content tab, go all the way to Content Directory Manager. You can then search for your new D Drive location. The video will help a lot.
Wow. Thank you!
May I ask though what is the library directory?
I suppose if I look in DAZ Studio at preferences I can find where it is currently located, but all I see are temp files and cache directories.
Thank you so much!
I will watch the video and follow your instructions.
Do I change all four directories displayed in the dialogue to the D:\ drive or just the last 3 items?
Not quite sure what the Cluster directory is for.
Library directory holds all your Daz content that you've installed for use. If you look in the Content Directory Manager, that will tell you the current locations. Your Daz Studio Formats directory gives you the location of your library.
Take a look at this location right here for your library contents.
thanks! :)
Just a note... I did this several months ago, and it messed up the shortcuts I had saved under 'favorites'. The old ones won't work, and eventually they vanished on their own, but it won't let me make new ones. There might be an easy fix for this, but it hasn't annoyed me enough that I've gone looking for it.
Also, if you have plugins, you might need to uninstall/reinstall. UltraScenery2 wouldn't work properly when I was trying to make a new scene, but an uninstall/reinstall fixed it. I'm not sure if there are others that would have similar problems.
Thank you. this is very helpful.
You don't need to move stuff. Just add a second content folder on a new HDD and connect it to DAZ Studio in your Prefrencies.
An alternative method is to simply use Windows to map yor new drive to your old content folder, so Daz (and it's database) thinks it's accessing the old folder, but is actually accessing your new drive. I did that several years ago and have had zero issues with DS or DIM. (If it's relevant, I only use DIM and use DS offline)
Simply copy everything from your old DAZ3D (or whatever) folder to the new drive, rename the old folder <whatever>.OLD (just in case, can delete later), create a new folder with the old folder name (this will be what you link the drive to), use Windows to map the drive to that new folder (I think it's an option in "map network drive" or something - you'll need to Google that part)
This worked perfectly. Thank you so much!
Excellent! Glad I could help
Thanks also to everyone else who helped here!