Feral Fey Poses for Genesis+Genesis 2 for G3F and G3M, please!

I would like to have all those wonderful pose sets Feral Fey made for Genesis 1 and 2 for G3F and G3M. These poses are real PC+ treasures. Please, FF, show mercy…! ;-) It's urgent:
Maybe some people agree with me that G3F has far too much pinup poses. Any time a new set is released it's very likely to be pinup/sexy/temptation/seduction etc. again. Today: Two new pose packs; one is - guess what? Right. It's sooo boring…!
Thank you for your support! It's nice to hear that my poses are appreciated. :)
I totally agree with you regarding the plethora of pin up poses. I mean, yes, I've been guilty of making a few of those, but for the main part, I try to focus my efforts on making poses that help you, the artist, tell a story. That's my passion.
I'll mention to Jack and Laurie about upgrading some of the older PC + poses I did for Genesis and Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 and see what they have to say. Are there any in particular that you'd like to see upgraded? In the meantime, trust in that I have been working hard on getting more non-pin-up poses in the store for Genesis 3. :)
Oh, that's good news! And regarding the upgrades, it could become good news.. ;-)
There are so many excellent poses and expressions you made; I don't know where to begin. Okay, for a start:
- Courtly Intrigue Poses
- Expressive Moments
- Action Toolbox/In Motion Poses
- Swashbuckling Poses for Genesis+G2M
- Queen of the Seas Poses for Genesis and Genesis 2 Female(s)
- Viking Poses for Genesis 2 Male(s)
- A Quiet Repose
- High Drama 1-3
- West Park Horror Movie Poses 1+2
- Voodoo Magic Poses for V4.2 and V5
- Valkyrie Poses for Shieldmaiden
- Late Night Diner Poses for Genesis 2 Female and Male
- Avast Matey Poses for Genesis 2 Male(s)
- Concert Crowd Poses
- Ku'ialua Warfare Poses for Genesis
- And Love Flowers Poses
- Novel Romance Poses for Genesis
- What Lurks in the Basement Poses
I very much appreciate your concept: Your lively poses and subtle expressions really help me to tell stories in my art. This is what I want. I hope very much that Jack and Laurie agree...
I spoke with Jack today and he gave me the green light to go ahead with updating a set, just to see how it goes. I'm glad you mentioned the High Drama series, as I was thinking that this would be a good jumping off point in converting the sets. So as soon as I get my MM item in order, I'll start work on converting. :)
As for the Ku'ialua Warfare set, that's not a PC item, so I don't need Jack and Laurie's permission to update it. The issue however is that the poses are meant to go with a weapons pack that is no longer in the store. For that I would need to model my own weapons (not outside the sphere of possibilities) before updating the set. I had already given some consideration to updating the Hula poses, so I don't foresee a problem adding Ku'ialua to the production queue. Another of my catalog that I'm considering upgrading is my Long Sword/Deathblows set, but I have to get caught up with current projects first. :) (High Drama is high on the list so look for it in the near future.)
Thanks again for providing me a list. This helps me out, since I stare at the long list of sets I've done for the PC and just get that deer caught in the headlights thing going on when trying to decide what to upgrade. We'll see how the High Drama series does with sales before we look at moving on to upgrading the others.
BTW.: Your 'Classic Pinup' set is also a very nice one; it's one of the most tasteful I saw, and not only useful for the pinup genre.
Concert Crowd Poses is one of my favorite sets. It also came with great expressions that would be nice to have on Genesis 3.
I think the most important sets for conversion are the ones where multiple characters interact. Those are the most difficult for me to ajdust for Genesis 3 by myself.
Thank you, caravelle, for your kind words regarding the Classic Pinup set. Sexy and feminine doesn't have to equal raunchy and gauche as far as I'm concerned. So when I do make a pinup set, I try to make the poses a) tasteful, and b) useful for a variety of situations, not just ogle the pretty girl renders. ;) Thanks for noticing.
@ barbult - I hear you on the multiple character vignettes where the models are touching. Those are the hardest poses for most people, so I try whenever possible to include vignettes like that. It's kind of a passion of mine to make poses that feature models interacting - with other characters or props or scenery. Without those interactions, it's hard to convey the story (whatever that might be) that you, the artist, are trying to convey. And I'm glad you like the Concert Crowd Poses. I'm particularly pleased with how that set turned out. I'll see what I can do about upgrading it after we see how the High Drama sets do. (I'm pretty sure that I might be able to convince Jack and Laurie to say "yes", but I can't make any promises.)
As an aside, I'm putting together an expression set for Genesis 3 (males and females) for my catalog. So hopefully you'll find some useful expressions in it. :)
I am looking forward to the expression set for G3 too!